Centre For Social Medicine And Natural Apitherapy
M. Thiele College Of Alternative Medicine And Bee Therapy
Natural Apitherapy Research Centre | Académie des Sciences

Starting With Natural Beekeeping / Apitherapy Instead Of Going On A Diet

Further reading and references see german issue

Risk of going on a Diät.  Slimming treatment and mortality, diabetes mellitus, gall-stones, osteoporosis, low cholesterol level, depression and intellectual deficiency, natural beeproduce (for instance beebread in natural combs instead of perga) are able to regulate disturbed organic functions and harmonize a weak metabolic system - underweight and thinness as well as obesity
(more information see German version)

Nowadays it is easy to find books like: "obisity myth: why America's obsession with weight is hazardous to your health" and it is useful not to believe all what is recommended by food and pharma industry, especially regarding diabetes and loosing weight. In many cases it is just nothing but "Junk science and cultural neuroses". [1][2][3]

Even the reknown New England Journal of Medicine, warns: Losing weight - an ill-fated New Year's resolution. [4] [5]

Why does the illness Diabetes mellitus happen? The most important risk factors are - besides inherited genes - too much Cortisol and not enough light. Negative Stress like Anxiety and Depression double the risk of this illness. More than distress does television support this civilation illness. The third factor is similar to increase of weight, the disturbed sleep, which confuses the cortisol regulation. The less light and the lower the vitamin-D-level the more Diabetes is observed. This is due to Diabetes Type 1 as well as Type 2. Because in most civilisation countries Vitamin-D-level is less due to food than the amount of daylight, an effective prophylaxe is activity outside instead of television. Useful for instance is beekeeping in the own garden and to grow bee plants. Working with bees - especially if not cept under stress for bees and beekeepers by frame-hive-beekeeping - is the best method to calm and soothe. Negative stress, depression and sleep disturbances will vanish. Honey from naturally built combs is able to cure eating disturbances, which could - especially regarding young people - lead to old age diabetes.  [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

Natural beeproduce are better than most pills from food and pharma industry. For instance it had been shown, that a diet with pollen and propolis has a good influence on increase of weight, improve recovery of iron and from that it leads to a faster increase of haemoglobin. It shows that pollen and propolis or comb in the comb with beebread and run-honey are effective tonics. natural beeproduce are for instance comb in the comb honey, run-honey, pollen, beebread, propolis, gelée royale, beevenom, beewax. organic honey and organic beeproduce are not sufficient. The apitherapeutic products should be purchased from apiaries who keep the bees acording standards of Centre for ecological apiculture. [14]

Also the influence of honey on bloodquality in comparison to many differnt kinds of sugar and artificial honey is documented. It shows that about 75g honey, different as sugar and artificial honey, lowers cholesterine, especially LDL-Cholesterine as well as blood fat.. [15]

An anti-diet with natural beeproduce is able to regulate disturbed organic functions and harmonize metabolic disorders  - underweigt as well as obesity.

Obesity - as a result of the metabolic Syndroms and distress - and underweight may increase the risk of Demenz, especially Alzheimer, drastically. [16][17][18]

Not only regarding obesity (supported for instance by Glutamat, which increases the level of Cortisol in blood and blocks the effect of saturation hormons like leptin) but also regarding Diabetes mellitus it has turned out that natural run honey (limehoney) has better properties than sugar because it less strains the metabolic system (less Insulinconsumation). [19]

Glucose and fructose as they occur in many sweets, for instance from genetically engineered maize, need to be called dangerous. [20]

[1]Worm, N. Harjes, S. 1998: Diätlos glücklich: Abnehmen macht dich und krank; Geniessen ist gesund. Bern, Hallwag
[2] Pollmer, U. 2008: Esst endlich normal. Das Anti-Diät-Buch. München, Zürrich, Piper
[3] Campos, P.F. 2004: The obisity myth: why America's obsession with weight is hazardous to your health. New York, Gotham Books
[4] Kassirer, j.P., Angel, M.  1998: Losing weight - an ill-fated New Year's resolution. New Engl. J. Med. 338, p.52-54
[5] Siehe Anmerkung 2
[6] Anderson, R.J. et. al 2002: Anxiety and poor glycemic control: a meta-analytic review of the literature. Int. J. Psychiatry Med. 32, p. 235-247
[7] Grigsby, A.B. et al 2002: Prevalence of anxiety in adults with diabetes: a systematic review. J. Psychosom. Res. 53, p. 1053-1060
[8] HU, F.B. et al. 2003: Television watching and other sedentary behaviours in relation to risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus in woman. Jama 289, p. 1785-1791
[9] Ayas, N.T. et al. 2003: A prospective study of self-reported sleep duration and incident diabetes in woman. Diabetes Care 26, 380-384
[10] Nilson, P.M. et al. 2004: Incidence of diabetes in middle-aged men is related to sleep disturbances. Diabetes Care 27, 2464-2469
[11] Elmquist, J.K., Marcus, J.N. 2003: Rethinking the central causes of diabetes. Nat. Med. 9, 645-647 und Anmerkung 2
[12] Hepertz, S. et al. 1998: Comorbidity of diabetes and eating disorders. Does diabetes control reflect disturbed eating behaviour? Diabetes Care 21, 1110-1116
[13] Thiele, M. 2008: Natural Beekeeping instaed of a diet. Api Review Letters 7, Nr. 267. Courses and classes in ecological beekeeping in Topbar hives for beginners in the Centre for ecological Apiculture.
[14]Apicultural Review Letters 2006, 5, Nr. 66
[15] Ibid.
[16] Obesity Reviews 2008, Band 9, p. 204-218
[17] Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2008, Nr. 114, p. 11 und Zentrum für soziale Medizin und natürliche Bienentherapie 2008: Tropfhonig (Lindenblüte) bei Fettleibigkeit und Diabetes mellitus besser geeignet als Fruktose oder Glukose. Api Review Letters 2008, 7, Nr. 258
[18] Siehe Anmerkung 2
[19] Zentrum für soziale Medizin und natürliche Bienentherapie 2008: natural run honey (Limeflower) better for obesity and Diabetes mellitus than fructose or glucose. Api Review Letters 2008, 7, Nr. 258
[20] Ibid. Darin: "Heute wird Fruktose in großem Stil in der Nahrungsmittelindustrie eingesetzt, da sie billig aus Mais hergestellt werden kann und eine höhere Süßkraft als Glukose besitzt. So lassen sich alle möglichen Nahrungsmittel billig und effizient süßen. Um zu prüfen, ob dieses Verfahren unbedenklich ist, wurden vielfach Studien durchgeführt. Diese zeigen, dass die massive Fruktosezufuhr nicht unbedenklich ist. Die hohe Aufnahme von Fruktose führt dazu, dass massiv Stoffwechselprodukte der Fruktose in den Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel eintreten und den Fettsäurestoffwechsel aktivieren, so dass in der Folge vermehrt Fette im Blut nachzuweisen sind". Diese wiederum führen zur vermehrten Einlagerung von Fett in die Fettzellen und damit zu Übergewicht und Arteriosklerose, die dann wiederum mit einem höheren Herzinfarkt- und Schlaganfallrisiko einhergeht. Hohe Fruktose-Spiegel sollen ebenfalls zu Entzündungsreaktionen führen. Ein weiteres Problem der vermehrten Fruktosezufuhr soll sein, dass Fruktose nicht zu einem Sättigungsgefühl führt, so dass insgesamt mehr Kalorien aufgenommen werden. Außerdem führt mehr Fruktose zu mehr Harnsäure (Gicht) und im weiteren Verlauf werden die Nieren geschädigt und damit einem Bluthochdruck Vorschub geleistet". (db 7/2008)

Copyright: Social medicine | Natural Apitherapy Research Centre