# 155
from the Centre for Food Safety ans Centre for Ecological Apiculture: Expertises
on negative side effects of GM crops, Hazards of pesticides and GM-crops
to beneficial insects, especially Honeybees
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For instance if you try to search by Google for Science Review Letters you'll find it at first among more than 100 Million pages. (For comparison FAZ can be found among 60 Million, beejounals among 2 Million or even less).
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Regarding the words bio review letters the press release " ... press/bio-honey" is first from more than 6.000.000 pages. Regarding the words social medicine review letters the centre for ecological apiculture and social medicine / Apitherapy reaches the first place from more than 3.000.000 pages ( ... press/med_us.html reaches the second place).
Not only Science Review Letters , also Apicultural Review Letters are able to attract some readers: Apicultural Review Letters are first from more than 2.000.000 pages, if you search for "bees review letters" or "honey review letters".
Also more and more
surveyors from Centre for foodsafety or Centre for Ecological Apiculture
are requested to write expertises.
to content page of Science Review Letters
The complete edition of "science review letters" published in supplemrnt of online-magazine "Natural Science"
Review Letters / Science Review Letters
der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
for Ecological Apiculture
Bienentherapie / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
/ Academy of Sciences
M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator