Science Review Letters

Letter # 331

Apitherapy / Social Medicine / Alternative Therapies and Holistic Healing instead of Red Biotechnology / Biopharmaceutically Produced Remedies - Natural and Holistic Apitherapy

Abstract: homeopathic healing, alternative and holistic therapies such as social medicine / natural Apitherapy instead of red Biotechnology. Dangerous TNF-Alpha-Inhibitors. Genetically modified fruits and vegetables and even the new generation „Biologica" (genetically engineered medicine) and medicine for lowering cholesterol create more unpleasant side-effects than leading to a useful health. Critical multiple organ collapse caused by socalled "magic balls" - such as antibodies from rats "humanized" with the help of genetic engineering for "curing" rheumatism. Especially rheumatism can be cured really good by social medicine / natural Apitherapy. Genetically engineered medicine is completely superfluous, because rheumatism, high blood pressure, sclerosis, allergies etc can be cured by natural beehive products certified by Social Medicine / Natural Apitherapy Research Center. On top of that, using natural beehive products and special cure packages issued by centre for social medicine and natural Apitherapy, you don't support laboratory animal experiments, which is nothing but cruelty to animals. High blood cholesterol levels are associated with diets rich in dried and powdered animal produce (such as powdered milk, eggs, cheese, fat,  which can be found in chocolade, bakery, ice-cream etc.) as well as too much TV watching and stress. High levels of cholesterol in the blood are found in diabetes. Excess cholesterol can be deposited in the walls of arteries, causing atherosclerosis. Meanwhile it is well known that people who take cholesterol lowering medicine die therfore from much more severe diseases such as cancer, inflammation of pancreas, or they have at least to recon with impotence, severe kidney diseases or damages of the liver. Especially diseases such as rheumatism, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, morbus crohn, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol in the blood can be cured by alternative treatment and natural remedies such as social medicine / holistic Apitherapy with natural beehive products provided by apiaries certified by Social Medicine / Natural Apitherapy Research Center. Heavy negative side effects of efalizumab (Biologica) and other medicine against psoriasis, rheumatism, osteoporosis. pain-killing drug (analgesic) and doping. Prophecy of Nobel price winner James Watson was wrong: substances against cancer such as Avastin cure nothing. Not to mention exteme costs of this new avastin-therapy which is able to cause complete health systems to rock. Biopharmaceutically produced Epo and it's risks

Further reading and references:
Social Medicine / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre

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