Save Bee Colonies | Natural Apitherapy Council
Honeybee Stewardship Council | Club of Ecological Beekeepers






Pieter Bruegel il Vecchio, Gli apicoltori, 1566–1568. Museo nazionale di Berlino

"The noble is animal friendly" - Menzius (372 - 289 B.C.)

"Und zwar kündigte Johannes mit dem Genuß von Waldhonig die künftige Sättigung des Volkes mit dem Honig des Felsens Christus an, wie geschrieben steht: „Und vom Fels mit Honig hat er sie gesättigt“ - St. Ambrosius / S. Ambrogio, Patron of beekeepers, the bees and other domestic animals

"Who is doing his business in the sense of a machine, will get a machine-heart" - Konfuzius 

"What is necessary above all, is, that you are able to call a spade a spade" - Konfuzius (551 - 479 B.C.)

"Per variar natura è bella" - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1694

Why to participate in this program to save bee colonies, bees and bumblebees

Die Biene

Biene, dich könnt ich beneiden,
Könnte Neid im Frühling wachsen,
Wenn ich dich versunken sehe,
Immer leiser leiser summend,
In dem rosenroten Kelche
Einer jungen Apfelblüte.
Als die Knospe wollte springen
Und verschämt es noch nicht wagte,
In die helle Welt zu schauen,
Jetzo kamst du hergeflogen
Und ersahest dir die Knospe;
Und noch eh ein Strahl der Sonne
Und ein Flatterhauch des Zephyrs
Ihren Kelch berühren konnte,
Hingest du daran und sogest.
Sauge, sauge! – Schwer und müde
Fliegst du heim nach deiner Zelle:
Hast dein Tagewerk vollendet,
Hast gesorgt auch für den Winter!

Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Müller
From the collection of Poems "Frühlingskranz"

Honey Bees, Wild Bees and other pollinators (butterflies, etc) are losing habitat all around the world due to intensive monoculture-based farming practices, intensive use of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides, and from the destruction of native landscapes. Just planting flowers in your garden, yard, or in a planter will help provide those pollinators with a clean and safe source of food and habitat. Be sure to purchase only plants and flowers that are not treated with neonicotinoid or other pesticides and ask your local landscaping company, Home Depot to stop selling flowers and plants pre-treated with dangerous pesticides!

With the help of individuals, public institutions and corporations we will be able to make a positive contribution to this adversity and bring back the bees! Contributors or Participants will be taking a part in this massive program designed to conserve and increase pollinator-friendly natural environments full of wildflowers. The benefits are endless, from healthier fruits and vegetables to a more colorful and beautiful environment—especially for the bees.

By joining efforts with the Centre for Ecological Apiculture and planting and certifying your apiary you will make a major impact in promoting conservation of our vital insect friends - since a healthy, sustainable ecosystem depends on pollination. 12 ways you can help save the bees, ranging from making links to membership, adopting a honeybee colony (Save Beecolonies-Bienenpatenschaften) or a lunch with DI. Michael Thiele. Don't wait with your membership until all pollinators die out because of pesticides - and pollination needs to be done by farmers themselves (already reality in some parts of China) or until artificially created pollinators take the place of bees. Natural Apitherapy Council together with Save Bee Colonies, Honeybee Stewardship Council and Club of Ecological Beekeepers actively seek to conserve current bee populations by supporting research into solutions that will help the bees face the challenges imposed upon them. Natural Apitherapy Council also supports land conservation efforts that provide wild bees with nesting and breeding ground.  We donate a portion of our profits to organizations working to save the bees. We give educational events that enlighten the public on ways they can have a positive impact on bee populations such as how to plant pollinator friendly gardens and how to keep bees without cruelty to animals. We also have an apitherapeutical friendly Trees for Bees Programme that plants pollinator-friendly trees not only to reduce carbondioxyde but also to support pollinators as well as landscape and natural Apitherapy. When you adopt a colony or become a member and purchase a beehive product, certified according standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture you automatically become a part of the solution. 

How to participate

1. Save bee colonies for free with a click of your mouse. Help preserve nature, environment and bee colonies. One click at a time through the organic / ecological beekeeping site and Centre for Ecological Apiculture. Bookmark the Centre for Ecological Apiculture site and the Centre for Social Medicine and Natural Apitherapy websites and visit every day. 

2. If you like what we do - tell your friends about us. If you feel our work is important, please tell others about us. The more supporters we have, the more bee colonies we are able to save from being kept in a bee unfriendly way. Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways of marketing - and it's completely free! For example send a an e-mail to your friend. 

3. Join or link our website from your social networking profiles. Follow our profiles and join our online communities:

4. If you have your own website, create link to the Centre for Ecological Apiculture site or Centre for Social Medicine and Natural Apitherapy. You will not only help generate traffic to our site directly, but by increasing our link popularity, the Centre for Ecological Apiculture will improve its ranking in the search engines. The better the ranking, the more traffic and member we will get and the more bee colonies we will be able to save. You don't have to link to our start page either; why not link to this page as a way of letting others know how they can help save bee colonies.

5. Take a glimpse into the world of bees - just try to keep e few bee colonies in your garden. Apply for distance courses (No. 19 / 48) and training in the Centre for Ecological Apiculture. Maybe later you are even able to become a  certified beekeeper!

6. support cruelty-free beekeeping by applying for a natural Bee Therapy / Apitherapy. Listing of natural apitherapy / beetherapy products: More Info...

Membership or adopt a beecolony

7. Become a member: Make the Centre for Ecological Apiculture your partner - or become an official supporter of Save Bee Colonies, Honeybee Stewardship Council, Club of Ecological Beekeepers and Natural Apitherapy Council. One of the most effective ways you can support the Centre for Ecological Apiculture is by choosing to become a Centre for Ecological Apiculture member. This helps us plan ahead, knowing that we have a secure income. Members have the possibility to start a bee therapy. On top of that they can take a degree (Diploma /Certificates). Private persons, beekeepers, medical doctors, non-medical practitioners, NGO's - a requirement of cooperation is that they are members of many years' standing with many years of experience in natural beekeeping or Apitherapy. Membership application page

8. Adopt a bee colony (Save Bee Colonies-Bienenpatenschaften): Save bee colonies by adopting a bee colony kept in a true ecological way and get a Certificate that shows how many bee colonies you have saved. Make a donation to help save bee colonies. Imagine 'owning' natural bee colonies, with the multitude of duties in wildlife and agriculture it supports. With your help we can protect these biologically important colonies and you can proudly display your Certificate of Appreciation, knowing that you have made a difference. If you make your meal three times a week without meat, you save already so much money that you easily can afford a bees colony. On top of that, a meal without meat also helps climate protection!

Make your application for a "Bienenpatenschaft". The beekeepers of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture care about your adopted bee colonies. And you support with it training and research in the Centre for Ecological Apiculture. 

Save bee colonies as a unique gift - Give bee colonies. Why not give a bee colony as a gift for a friend or loved one? The perfect gift for the person who has everything - or who wants nothing, this is literally a gift for the world. Whether for a birthday, wedding, Christening or anniversary, by saving an irreplaceable piece of wildlife you will give a useful gift that is truly unique. Your gift recipient will receive a Gift Pack, including a personalised Certificate showing how many bee colonies you have saved on his or her behalf.

9. Give us your time - work for Save Bee Colonies, Honeybee Stewardship Council,  Natural Apitherapy Council. The Centre for Ecological Apiculture , Centre for Social Medicine and Natural Apitherapy and Academy of Arts and Philosophy have very successful training programmes which aim to equip recent graduates, therapists, medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, CEO's, philosophers, non-medical practitioners or beekeepers with the skills and experience needed for a career in "green companies", "green hospitals", philosophy, architecture, arts, natural apitherapy, holistic healing, nature conservation and natural / ecological beekeeping. Become a certified beekeeper or apitherapist!

Lunch with DI. Michael Thiele for VIP's

10. Apply for a lunch with DI. Michael Thiele. The proceeds going to support the Academy of Arts and Philosophy, Académie des Sciences and the Centre for Ecological Apiculture and the bees. Have an interesting conversation with him on topics such as health and illness, beauty-cure, ecological beekeeping, arts, literature and philosophy!

11. A lunch with DI. Michael Thiele provides also the appropriate setting for an international exhibition of important art works from Michael Thiele and students. Those who applied for a lunch and who are lovers of the arts are invited to the "First Choice"-inauguration for VIP's and prominent persons. If there is a drawing or painting you like, you can purchase it. The proceeds going to support the Academy of Arts and Philosophy and the bees - the first artists on earth. Who think musik and the fine arts have healing properties, will realize it especially in the drawings of DI. Michael Thiele and students.


12. Make a will or donate. You can help Save Bee Colonies by donating funds to the Centre for Ecological Apiculture or make a will. Just contact us directly via Phone:  +49 5652 917899 

You are able to support a "long-lasting fertility in beekeeping" in contrast to success in artificial beekeeping for a short time in 12 ways, ranging from making links to becoming an official member. Last but not least by starting with top-bar-beekeeping according standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture. 

Filippo Lippi, das Bienenwunder des Hl. Ambrosius, Patron der Imker, der Bienen und anderer Haustiere

Für den Lebensgang des hl. Ambrosius, des nach Augustins Zeugnis (Conf. V 13) „best- und weltbekannten Bischofs von Mailand“ (374-397), des ersten der vier großen abendländischen Kirchenlehrer, liefern die eigenen Briefe und Schriften das geschichtlich wertvollste Quellenmaterial. Als zweite Hauptquelle reiht sich das auf Augustins Anregung verfasste „Leben des heiligen Ambrosius“ aus der Feder seines Sekretärs Paulinus an. Ambrosius ward darnach um das Jahr 333 (oder 340) wahrscheinlich zu Trier geboren, wo sein gleichnamiger Vater das Amt eines Praefectus praetorio für Gallien bekleidete: der Sprößling eines vornehmen römischen Geschlechtes, das auf verdiente Staatsmänner, der Sohn eines christlichen Hauses, das auf mehrere Märtyrer zurückblicken konnte. Wahrheit und Dichtung deuten schon an der Wiege auf das Kind der Vorsehung. Ein Bienenschwarm soll sich auf des schlafenden Knaben Gesicht niedergelassen haben. Seine höhere Ausbildung genoß der heranwachsende Jüngling in Rom, wohin die Mutter nach des Vaters frühem Tod mit den Kindern übergesiedelt war. Gleich dem Bruder widmete er sich der staatsmännischen Laufbahn, die ihn bei seinen ungewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten rasch von Erfolg zu Erfolg, von Stufe zu Stufe führte und um 370 zur Konsularwürde emportrug. Um 374 wurde ihm als Konsular von Aemilia und Liguria Mailand als Residenz angewiesen, dem seine politische und kulturelle Bedeutung längst die Hegemonie unter den norditalischen Städten und den Ehrennamen eines zweiten Rom, eines zweiten Athen eingetragen hatte. Hier sollte der Ahnungslose die Konsularwürde mit der Bischofswürde vertauschen.

Taufe des Augustinus durch Bischof Ambrosius, Fresko von Benozzo Gozzoli, ca. 1465
St. Ambrosius is Patron of beekeepers, bees and other domestic animals

Albrecht Dürer, Hirschkäfer (Cervus Lucanus), 1505
Save the Bees, Bumble-Bees and Bee Colonies and Cervus Lucanus!

Albrecht Dürer, Profil eines Ochsen
Dieser Ochse hat vor ca. 500 Jahren Wildkräuter gefressen,die ohne synthetische Pestizide und Kunstdünger gewachsen sind - so wie es die Bienen und Hummeln auch mögen!

Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), Primula, 1526, watercolour on paper, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Albrecht Dürer, junger Hase, 1502, Aquarell, 25,1 x 22,6 cm, Albertina, Wien

Beeswarm in the Centre for ecological Apiculture

Bienen, Hummeln und andere Blütenbestäuber lieben die Obstblüte - aber nur ohne Insektizide!

I like Raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and "Old-School" pollinators such as bees and bumblebees instead of robots

Save the Bees, Bumble-Bees and Bee Colonies by supporting organic agriculture with wildflowers such as centaurea cyanus

Bienen und Hummeln wollen das ganze Herz, nichts Halbherziges

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away - thanks to bees and bumblebees - grown without artificial pollinators and pesticides

Adventskranz auf Eichentisch mit echten Bienenwachskerzen aus Naturwabenbau - ohne Kunstwachs und Stearin
Advent wreath on Oaktable with candles made of real beeswax - without artificial wax and stearin

Pinturicchio, Adorazione del Bambino, 1490

Christi Geburt war nicht nur zum Heil des Menschen sondern auch der Natur und der Tiere wie der Bienen, was von heutigen Gentechnik-Wissenschaftlern, bzw. der sog. Schrott-Wissenschaft ("junk science") allerdings nicht verstanden wurde

Lucas van Leyden, Milkmaid, 1510

Damals war die Bienen- und Kuhzucht noch nicht ruiniert, z.B. durch das rBST, ein mit Hilfe gentechnisch veränderten Bakterien / Pilzen hergestelltes Rinderwachstumshormon, das Milch- und Fleischertrag bis zu 40 % steigert und eine enorme Tierquälerei darstellt

Schön auf den ersten Blick, aber sinnlos - hochgezüchtete, gefüllte Garten-Pfingstrose (Paeónia officinalis) bietet blütenbesuchenden Insekten wie Schmetterlingen, Wildbienen, Hummeln und Honigbienen weder Nektar noch Pollen

Filippo Lippi, The Adoration in the Forest, 1459, Collection Gemäldegalerie Staatliche Museen, Berlin

It does not just depict the Adoration of the Child in a natural forest with flowers and animals, especially beecolonies, it also shows the Holy Trinity. On the left a youthful John the Baptist 

Annibale Carracci, Landschaft mit Flussszene, um 1590, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Staatsgalerie im Neuen Schloss Schleißheim

More Habitates for Bees, Bumblebees, Butterflies!

Johannes Vermeer, Dienstmagd mit Milchkrug,1658–1660, Rijksmuseum

"Wunderglauben" and Nature as industrial Product in an unfinite Optimizationspiral; Experts say: "no more  Genemanipulations"; Biotech-Milk, Biotech-Cheese: Wer hätte gedacht, dass Erzeugnisse von natürlichen Kühen auf der Weide wie Milch, Joghurt, Käse oder Bienen Erzeugnisse wie Honig, Bienenwachs aus wesensgemäßer Bienenhaltung einmal so wertvoll werden wie heute, wo diese Produkte zum Teil biotechnisch erzeugt werden.

San Alberto Magno, Doctor de la Iglesia y Patrono de las Ciencias Naturales

Die Schule von Chartres, Cusanus, Albertus Magnus, Johannes Scotus Eriugena kannten durchaus den Begriff des Ökosystems, über die Verbindung von Höherem und Niederem, das auf "bestmögliche Weise" funktioniert, was später von Leibniz und Goethe aufgegriffen wurde und im krassen Gegensatz zur heutigen Gen- und Klontechnik steht. 

John Constable, The Cornfield 1826, National Gallery London

In der Romantik hat sich ein Freiheitsgefühl entwickelt, das auch heute noch aktuell ist, was man daran sehen kann, dass die Musik und Malerei aus dieser Zeit noch immer beliebt ist. In der Kunst wie auch in der Wissenschaft / Medizin wurde die übersinnliche Welt berücksichtigt. Damals waren die Flüsse und Bäche noch nicht mit Pestiziden verseucht, Mensch und Bienen konnten gefahrlos daraus trinken.

Copyright © 2002-2025 Save Beecolonies | Natural Apitherapy Council | Club of Ecological Beekeepers
Last update :2025.01.09