Centre for Ecological Apiculture


How To Become An Ecological Beekeeper

Courses In Technique Of Organic / Ecological Top Bar Hive Beekeeping Deutsch 

Distance Course No 19

Register now for Distance course No. 19!

Natural and cruelty-free beekeeping without frames, wire in the combs, artificial parts of the comb, smoke and expensive equipment. Become a member of the Club of Ecological Beekeepers! Learn more how to save wild bees and bumblebees and harvest healthy fruits and vegetables

Here you can find everything you need as a beginner: Courses, also distance courses, classes in natural top bar beekeeping, beekeeping supplies such as top bar hive, equipment for disease control, natural beeswarms and further beekeeping equipment. If you are already a member, you can make an appointment free of charge (Phone: +49 (0) 5652 917899) or just join the course without membership. Register now for distance course No. 19!




The research programme of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture, a pioneer of "wesensgemaesse Bienenzucht" and beetherapy, includes natural living conditions for honeybees in simple hives. Did you know that the Centre for Ecological Apiculture is the only Institution in Germany where bees are being kept solely in top bar hives and allowed to draw out their combs themselves without frames, artificial combs or foundation made of contaminated beeswax, in contrast to bees from beekeepers who need to get along with plastic combs (for instance "Flow Hive") in plastic hives, wood frames, artificial wax or foundation contaminated with stearin and paraffine and wire or even need to live in socalled "skyscaperhives" ?

Did you know that the Centre for Ecological Apiculture is the only Institution worldwide who offers Training in "wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung" regarding certification according standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture? 

How to become a certified beekeeper of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture? More infos... 

Distance -Course No. 19 / First Lessons In Cruelty Free Organic / Ecological Top Bar Hive Beekeeping. 

Beekeeping For Beginners And Advanced Learners, Medical Doctors, Non-Medical Practitioners, Organic Gardeners And Farmers - Biodynamic Top Bar Hive Beekeeping, Natural Apitherapy 

45 th. revisited and updated edition 2024

This distance-course is our bestseller. The only who is able to match with distance course No. 19 ist the new distance course No. 19. Also if you want to change from mainstream framehive beekeeping or Bienenkiste to top bar hive beekeeping, this distance course offers useful hints. Those who applied already for an apitherapy cure, have now the possibility to produce the necessary apitherapeutical beeproducts themselves.

All what you need to know: First lessons in organic / ecological beekeeping; with membership or without. Registration

Interesting for members: Techniques on Top-Bar Beekeeping for beginners with DI. M. Thiele
Techniques on Advanced Top-Bar Beekeeping with DI. M. Thiele (continued in No 62)

From course units and standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture:

on Location of beecolonies, 
suitable landscapes for organic / ecological beekeeping
on the character of bees, 
bee hive, top bar hive, how to change from frame hive- and Bienenkisten-beekeeping to
top bar hive beekeeping according standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture?
maintaining honeybees' health, 
preventive measures and disease control, varroaresitence
how to obtain beeproduce according standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture, 
without residuals;
how to handle bees, 
how to find the right time to go to the bees,
processing, materials, filling, 
the science of honey
quality of beeproduce according standards of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
chemical and physical analysis of honey and other beeproduce, 
contents of honey, 
residuals in honey, propolis, and other beehive products;
how to become a certified apiary of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture;
How to get certified according standards of Social Medicine / 
Natural Apitherapy Research Centre?
on how to storage honey,
what does the top bar hive beekeeper needs in the beginning?
How does it work? 1 organic / ecological top bar hive beekeeping equipment, supplies and tools
How does it work? 2 Construction plan for Top bar hive designed in the Centre for Ecological Apiculture 
How does it work? 3 Bee Therapy / Apitherapy
How does it work? 4 Bee Therapy / Apitherapy Certification
How does it work? 5 support bees, bumblebees and other pollinators

Regististration for distance course No. 19
List of distance courses and prices


An Apple a day keeps the doctor away - thanks to bees and bumblebees - grown without artificial pollinators and pesticides

Advent wreath on Oaktable with candles made of real beeswax - without artificial wax and stearin
The best birthday and christmas present for those who want to start keeping bees: distance course No. 19 ecological beekeeping

Honeybee in Kiwi

Beeswarm in the Centre for ecological Apiculture

No. 37 Practical Beekeeping Course For Beginners ("Crash-Course") Now included in No 62 

No. 62: Training / Hands-On Training / Instruction Courses In The Centre For Ecological Apiculture: How To Get Certified According Standards Of The Centre For Ecological Apiculture And Natural Apitherapy? 

Techniques on Advanced Top-Bar Beekeeping with DI. M. Thiele for members

Did you know that the Centre for Ecological Apiculture is the only Institution worldwide who offers Training for becoming a certified apiary of Centre for Ecological Apiculture?

Duration: two Semester 
This hands-on training is useful for beginners as well as for those beekeepers who are fed up with mainstream beekeeping and want to become partner-apiary of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture. 

This training is also useful for students and sideliners.

By the way more and more partner-apiaries are needed, that means those who are successful applicants of final class and graduated in organic / natural top bar hive beekeeping (No. 62)!

All what you need to know :
Lessons on Location of bees colonies, 
suitable landscapes for organic / ecological beekeeping
on the character of bees, 
how to manage top bar hives, 
maintaining honeybees' health, 
preventive measures and disease control, varroaresitence
how to obtain a good practice in honey harvest,
how to handle bees,
how to find the right time to go to the bees, 
honey quality, how to obtain pure comb honey, pollen, propolis
Lessons on processing,
materials, filling, sieving, filtration, 
on how to storage honey, 
discussion of  our standards in beekeeping
considering the character of bees.

Lessons on what does the beekeeper need in the beginning? 
On equipment and tools;
on simple hives mainly used in the world, especially top bar hives; 
how to produce comb honey, run honey, propolis, royal jelly, beesbread, beeswax according standards of Centre for Ecological Apiculture;
maintaining honeybees' health; 
disease control with organic acids. 
On price calculation in this sector for high quality products

Lessons on beekeeping considering the character of bees; 
what happens in a beecolony? 
On drones, queens, workers, communication; 
on population during the year, 
on temperature control and critical temperature for the honeybee; 
what do I need to know, if I want to work together with the bees in order to strengthen the colony? 
How can I work with the bees without doing an assault upon the colony? 
On comb spacing, combs, inspection of the hives, 
swarm prevention/management and control,
making new colonies within swarming mood; 
what are possible results of artificial queen rearing ("grafting")? 
On telluric and extra telluric forces according M. Thun;
More information...

Registration form for No. 62
Become a member in the Club of Ecological Beekeepers and ask for more info


Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Akademie der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator
Wissenschaftsbriefe / Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences

Copyright © 2002-2025 Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Last update :2025/03/03