# 916
Octobre 18
In many countries "green" and "red" Biotechnology are condemned to insignificance. Banker spreak about a "declining branch of industry". In Germany there had been 2001 still nearly 15.000 employees in the Biotech-branch, 2006 only a few thousand. In 2014 Europe, especially Germany, is GMO-free. This concerns genetically modified crops as well as research. BASF, Bayer Crop Science and KWS send their Monsanto-friendly scientists to America. They think there are the best Monsanto-friendly scientists - in reallity they are the most decadent scientists. They honestly think to win the competition between always newly genetically modified crops and resitance. They try to outwit nature, but it doesn't work. [1][2]
Experts attest the Biotech-Industry, the connected scientists, lobbyists and authorities a totally lacking safety culture and a doubtful understanding of scientific nature:
Critics don't
need to support the retreat of "green" and "red" Biotechnology, the Biotech-Branch
together with its shady Lobbyists will fix it themselves.
Editors-in-chief like Thomas Deichmann contribute with strange aphorisms and klassical category-mistakes ("Green genetic engineering as a further developement of classical plantbreeding", "All GE-cash crops are safe"- FAZ 2007/# 20,p.8) as well as scientists of the honourable eight German scienceacademies ("no danger for environment", "safe for human being and animal" - FAZ 2007/# 19,p.36) or other Biotech-single-combatants like the indian Kameswara Rao and his "Foundation for Biotechnology Awareness and Education in Bangalore" or the ISAAA-website. Who really believes in such loan of nonsense today? The only thing you can be sure of, is, that they are all together able to supply us with excelent phrases useful for a battle of words. However, that's a pitiful science, if it is based on phrases! [3]
reading and references:
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung 2007, Nr. 3, p. 48
Api Review Letters 2014,
13, Nr.916 and Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
2014, Nr. 241, p. 15
Science Review Letters 2007,
6, Nr.94
Complete edition of letters published in Online-Magazine "Apiculture"
Review Letters / Science Review Letters
der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
for Ecological Apiculture
Bienentherapie / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
/ Academy of Sciences
M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator