Science Review Letters

Letter #7

Only The Most Dramatic Biotechnological Errors Are Being Perceived To Be Harmful As For Instance Transgenic Goats

The Joint Research Centre (JRC), a socalled "research-based policy support organisation" has qualified itself as pseudoscientifical

"One studies and observes today only those connections which are actually visible very roughly. One calls something harmful, if one can see the damade, which follows, with the eyes, and useful, if one can see with one's eyes in a very rough sense the utility". (Rudolf Steiner)

Only the most dramatic biotechnological errors are being perceived to be harmful as for instance 74 transgenic goats created by GTC in Framingham (Massachusetts) for "red genetic engineering" purposes.

In that case it is said: "The american Biotech company GTC Biotherapeutics has fallen to the ground in Europe" or „As the fast growing transgenic salmon, who is somehow swimming in american loboratory lakes for about one decade, the transgenic pharmagoat remains a lab-construct" and one estimates the situation correctly if it is said, the social opposition against green genetic engineering is still strong. (FAZ 2006, #51, p. N1)

However, are the errors of "green" and "red" genetic engineering not so obviously visible, one tries to focus on a somehow threadbare utility. Thus it can't be called real science anymore. But this kind of science is practiced in most scientific research institutes today, on which decision makers rely on.

Also the Europien Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), a socalled "research-based policy support organisation", has qualified itself as pseudoscientifical and now it is calmly "working for the EU policy-maker".

Director General of Joint Research Centre, Mr. Roland Schenkel tells us very accommodatingly: "Europe faces public concern about complex issues such as food contamination, genetic modification, chemical hazards, global change, environment and health, and nuclear safety. The Joint Research Centre (JRC) supports EU policy makers in the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of policies to tackle such trans-national and global problems. In effect, the JRC is a research-based policy support organisation working for the EU policy-maker"

It would be great, if they can really "tackle such trans-national and global problems" like genetic modification, but considering their investigations, one must fear that they even don't get the real problems into sight.

The Europien Commission's Joint Research Center together with other research institutes* has published now a book-long report which considers co-existence of GM and non-GM crops and seeds. The result of this study backs genetic engineering (FAZ 2006, #51, p. N1). In a Press-release of JRC it is said:

"The EU legal framework for traceability and labelling of GMOs and GMO-derived products defines a threshold of 0,9% for the adventitious presence of GM material in non-GM food and feed and provides a baseline for existence measures in agriculture. Based on simulations and expert opinions, the report finds that coexistence in crop production at the 0,9 % threshold is feasible with few or no changes in agricultural practices"

And here these research institues say good-bye to true science and rely on opinions and simulations, which have no connection to reality. There is only one possible threshold, which is 0,00 %. All, what exceed this threshold, need to be called a contamination.
*) Genetic engineering friendly research institutes working together with Europien Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC):  JRC-Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France, University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan (Germany), Desarrollo Agrario Y Pesquero (DAP, Spain)

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