Centre For Social Medicine And Natural Apitherapy
M. Thiele College Of Alternative Medicine And Bee Therapy
Natural Apitherapy Research Centre | Académie des Sciences


No 162 Training / Certification In Alternative Medicine And Natural Bee Therapy / Apitherapy Deutsch 

On the way to find the primary causes of health and illness. Become a certified Apitherapist of the Social Medicine/ Natural Apitherapy Research Centre! 

"Es werden ja viele Menschen durch die Tätigkeit der Natur ohne die Arzneikunst geheilt (multi enim per operationem naturae, sine arte medicinae naturam)" - Thomas von Aquin

"Lassen wir die Natur handeln, so hilft sie sich selbst am besten. Unsere Unruhe, unsere Ungeduld, die verdirbt alles. Die meisten Menschen sterben an ihren Arzeneien, nicht an ihren Krankheiten." Molière, Der eingebildete Kranke III

"Ich wundere mich nicht, die Menschen zuweilen krank zu finden, wohl aber erstaune ich, dass sie dies so selten, ja dass sie es nicht ständig sind." - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

"Und dann laufen dieselben Leute hinter den lächerlichsten Heilmitteln her, wenn das Übel, dass sie bis dahin vernachlässigt, bedrohlich näher rückt." - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz




From Curriculum Alternative Medicine And Bee Therapy / Apitherapy Training No. 162 (Practical And Distance Courses)

(Semester 2025/26)

Learn more on Bee Therapy. Learn more on alternative and holistic medicine, spirituality in medicine, natural remedies, herbal therapy, healing with natural beehive products, natural cosmetics without cancerogenic ingedients.
# 1. Cure against Allergies such as pollen-allergy, bevenom-allergy, food-allergies
# 2. Cure to improve immune system
# 3. Cure to improve nerve system
# 4. Cure against stomach pains, disorders of the gastrointestinal system, digestive problems, gastritis, stomach ulcers, heliobacter pylori, crohn's disease, peptic disorders
# 5. Cure against Rheumatism, rheumatoid Arthritis / Polyarthritis, osteoporosis, arthritis 
# 6. Cure against coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure/ hypertony, stroke
# 7. Cure against  Diabetes (Typ 2) and what follows: collapsing of kidneys, Katarakt, Amputations
# 8. Cure against diseases of central nerve system (Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, Alzheimer, ALS )
# 9. Cure against cancer, aids, Borreliosis
# 10. Cure against skin diseases such as Psoriasis, endogene Ekzems (Neurodermitis), Dermatosen, Lupus erythematodes 
# 11. Cure against diseases of the liver and other organs
# 12. Cure against Depression, Paranoia, Neurose, Schizophrenie, Psychose, Epilepsie
# 13. Cure against obesity and infertility 
# 14. Cure for athlets 
# 15. Anti-aging and healthy aging cure: jump into the natural fountain of youth and avoid possibly all diseases named above!
# 16. Cure against infertility
# 17 Cure against Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis
# 18 Beauty-cure
# 19 Cure against diseases of the pancreas
# 20 Cure against diseases of the kindneys

How to become a therapist of the Centre for Social Medicine and Natural Apitherapy / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre?

1. Find more information on M. Thiele bee therapy / apitherapy in German and English language

2. Sign up for membership: Become a member in the Natural Apitherapy Council and ask for more info

3. Register for Distance courses No. 801-821 (see bookreviews und Buchbesprechungen), No registration deadline; register for distance courses

4. Register for Bee Therapy training No.162

More Information for members

Deadline for registration semester 2026 (first time registration): End of January
Begin: April
Deadline for registration (No 162) Semester 2025/26 (first time registration): End of July
Beginn: October


Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Akademie der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator
Wissenschaftsbriefe / Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences

Copyright © 2002-2025 M.Thiele College Of Alternative Medicine And Bee Therapy | Centre for Natural Apitherapy
Last update :2025/03/03