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Let’s enter the exhibition under guidance of Mrs Crüwell: „With the beautiful soul, wherever she likes reside now, has a certain part of the body little to do, which promises a simple enamel signpost at the entrance of the exhibition to get successfully lifted: "Prof. Joseph Beuys, institute for Cosmetic Surgery, Speciality: Buttocklifting" (2). A socalled „Happening " by Beuys, understood as ironical therapy offer, as it were as a protest against the superficial consumer society in the seventies and „Vote for the mobilisation of the inward psychical forces" (3).
Joseph Beuys had received as known determining impulses of Rudof Steiner ideas; he wanted „to earth" the thinking again in the unconscious. „The only thing, what is worth to set up, is the humanly soul" (4) he said one time, „I mean soul in the comprehensive meaning. I mean not only that emotively, but also the cognition forces, the ability of the thinking, the intuition, the inspiration, the consciousness of self, the willpower. That are all things, which are very damaged in our time. They have to be saved. It has no meaning, to cultivate without this thoughts better potatoes" (5).
It has no meaning, without this thoughts to lead a company into the future. One mustn't first mention the case Mr. Esser/ Mannesmann *); each CEO of a small enterprise can itself place the query, whether he without this thoughts is able to produce „better potatoes ", or „better honey ". As it becomes evident in the second part, it is even not sufficient, to move within minimum requirements of the law.
On the inner Aspect in Art and Nature II
It has no meaning, to cultivate without this thoughts better potatoes, or to produce better honey. That shows the now following example from agriculture, or exactly: honey, Bio honey (organic honey), Bio bee keeper (organic beekeeper) and ecological bee keeping.
The notions „Biohoney", „organic honey", „organic bee keeping " get by this mainly associated with „good", „better ", „Exact rules within EU regarding organic beekeeping (1) ". Thus, may I by this also produce better honey without the above mentioned thoughts, if I only keep doing what is legal according EU - organic rule, and post a „Naturland" or „Bioland" lable at my apiary? Are these rules and standards generally meaningful? What is being concealed?
for Mr Maresch, an organic beekeeper from Königswinter/Germany, it is more or less obviously, that „conventional produced honey is amiss" ( 2). According his opinion there maybe many hobby - beekeepers who produce good honey - but only if they follow the EU organic rule. This rule - it may be meaningful or not - needs to be fulfilled, writes Mr Maresch and only in that case you „can be sure that you have find a bee keeper, whose honey you can buy with a good conscience"( 3).
Briefly, one only may watch Mr Maresch and look in what he is interested in. What is it? he says: „I’m interested, what my customers want and the legal situation" ( 4 ). in plain language it means: The only mark for the consumer to find out whether he met a „good bee keeper, responsible animalkeeper and food producer "( 5 ) or not, is certification according the EU organic rule or at least beekeeping accordingly. Simply doing what is legal in the „organic beekeeping" sector: manipulating the bee colonies, purchasing artificial inseminated queens, or carrying out instrumental insemination of the queen bee oneself - even if the methods can not be called natural and are anything else but specific to species - , in exception cases also application of chemical - synthetical compounds.
But who wanted to make Mr Maresch therefore any reproaches? he speaks only clearly and distinct out, what others, like for example some North Rhine Westphalian agricultural authorities only able to express rather spongily: My dear consumer, please buy diligent our North Rhine Westphalian organic honey, then you’ll support ... and so on. ( 6 ).
Beekeepers casted in the same mould as Mr Maresch very easily win the lable „disparagement of beekeepers" - although it is a rather widespread attitude in the „organic" beekeeping business: look at any natural food magazine, they’ll write the same: „Bio helps the bee "( 7 ). Recently one could still read in EVE, the so-called „modern" natural food magazine in Germany: „Who buys honey from Bio - firms like Allos, Evers or dedicated Bio - beekeepers" support organic bee keeping ( 8 ). „Adresses for further help" can be found: Bioland, Naturland, German Apitherapy Ass.. But even there we have found out nothing new. Mr Maresch had it already pointed out clearly.
Isn’t it understandable, if renown scientist by the writings of a Mr Maresch ( which represent finally only the processed Farmer's Cheese produced by the responsible agricultural authorities), are saying, that kind of organic beekeeping might be good for "catching" farmers and beekeepers; and is it any wonder if they are speaking about „Con (Bauernfängerei)" or similar?
Does exist a kind of ecological beekeeping, which has nothing to do with „con"? Who actually knows about ecological, or better, bee keeping specific to species?* Where can I really find something new?** Self defence guards as known against self-praise, therefore one will forgive me, if I name the international certification system for ecological beekeeping - a system, also recommended by many beekeepers associations.
To be continued in the next issues of Apiculture.
*) More
information and address source for comb honey with natural
cristalization (not heated) and honey from natural combs (run-honey
- neither extracted nor stirred nor heated before filling), Propolis, Gelee
Royale, beebread as well as pure beewax without residuals:
of beeproduce
for social Medicine and Natural Apitherapy
for Ecological Apiculture.
see also Apicultural
Review Letters
Full version in: Apikulture 3 (1)2004