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Actually one had expected, that research instituts around organic farming, as well organic associations and their representatives stand up for a geographical and geobotanical realities adapted animal breeding. The opposit is the case - at least regarding bee keeping. Members of the organic associations, like for example Naturland offer in bee keeper journals artificial inseminated queens; these are reared originally from beecolonies, who are adapted to realities, you can find in more than 10.000 km distance of Europe. In addition the queen has made a journey in the USA and back, because thence they will retro-imported („ original import").
To what the expense - except that it provides some Naturland bee keepers with a full cash-box? Because such a queen, a so called „Original import from the USDA - varroa-resistence-breeding-program" (1) costs only tired 790 Euro. If this queen has been modified by genetically engineering, or not, shall not be checked here. Regarding ambitions of USDA referring to genetically modification is reported at other places (2).
The community of Naturland beekeepers carry out artificial insemination of the queen bee by themselves - in naturland-workmanlike quality! Thus one can already receive an artificially inseminated queen for 230 Euro. One is recommended in respect of these primorskibees „ to notice also the contributions in the bee keeper journals (3) " as a Naturland bee keeper emphasizes.
Well, let’s have a look to the specialist publications: Mr Peter Rosenkranz (PhD) from the university of Hohenheim/Germany and chairman of the study group of institutes for bee research inc. reported over the comparison investigations of primorskibees in Germany. Rosenkranz et al. (2003) sum it up: A varroa - resistance is not ascertainalble. Also regarding surviving rates there are no differences to the carnica - comparison colonies. And concerning behaving and attainnment: „The behaving of the Primorski - colonies was out of the question, controls could often only get performed with 'complete protection' " (Rosenkranz et al. 2003).
It is understandable, that the queens do not endure a journey from the USA undamaged - became already Goethe on his Italien journey from Naples to Sicily nearly seasick and could only endure the journey on his corvette by holding out in horizontal position.
The queens had been hit harder: „ From the first delivery 75 % of the queens died " (Rosenkranz 2003).
Apart from that, how do the German bee institutes estimate the test results? The Universities of Erlangen and Hohenheim estimate the resistance and tolerance potential of certain local carnica - sources to be just as high as those of the tested Primorski - bee. „ They hold it therefore with meaning, to concentrate further investigations and selection efforts on that local material" (Rosenkranz 2003).
What shall the beekeeper do? What is recommended by the study group of institutes for bee research inc.? To judgement of the Primorski - bee it is said, in respect of the generally breeding properties the judgement by the participated institutes is clear-cut and leaves no doubt: „ the behaviour - and efficiency properties of the bees are so dissatisfying, that they can be recommended to the community of beekeepers not by any means. The caution issued by that study group of institutes in July 2002, which said that the bee keeper shall invest no money in the purchase of Primorski - queens, is still valid ". They speak of „ tremendous prices " with which some importers supply the demand of the community of beekeepers (Rosenkranz 2003).
Notes and References
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