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Johann Schreiner's "Practical Dictionary" is instrumental in bringing about an international Basis for understanding in the green Sector

("Practical Dictionary Environment, Nature Conservation and Land Use" English/German by Johann Schreiner, first edition 2004, 556 p. hard cover. 49 €, ISBN 3-8047-2043-9, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart/Germany)

Renown experts mainly from German speaking countries but also from UK, USA, Brasil and eastern europien countries have contributed to this book and supplied us with an international basis for understanding in the field of environment, nature conservation and land use. Similar to economy also in these fields English has become the common language.

Not altogether very uninteresting is the history of origin regarding this dictionary. The author, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Johann Schreiner says, he has started together with Peter Wasley already in 1993 to organize courses for specialist English in nature conservation and environmental protection. "In 1994 working as a trainee at the North German Academy for Nature Conservation, now renamed Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation, Emma Hayselden created the basis for this dictionary. From 1995 onwards the specialist English courses were held in cooperation with Losehall Hall, the Peak National Park Centre. Its principal Peter Townsend helped develop these courses both in the UK and other Europien countries" (XI).

Remarkable is that this practical dictionary consists not only of specialist terms, but also includes colloquial used words connected with the various subjects. Who knows for instance the German word for "back-to-nature freak" , "backpacker" or "not in my backyard"?

Which subject fields covers the dictionary? Environment: air pollution abatement, chemicals in the environment, environmental administration, environmental communication, environmental education, environmental engineering, environmental ethics, environmental history, environmental information, environmental legislation, environmental non-governmental organizations, environmental policy, environmental research, noise abatement, preventive health care, radiation protection, recycling, waste;
Nature Conservation: biotope conservation, climate protection, conservation of water recources, ecology, landscape management, landscape planning, recreational provision, soil conservation, wildlife conservation;
Land use: fishery, forestry, hunting, agriculture, regional planning, settlement developement, water management.

Naturally you won't find each word you're looking for - for instance are missing the terms: " wesensgemäße Bienenhaltung" (a kind of ecological beekeeping) or "Ruhepolsterkantianismus" (a special kind of kantianism). However, it is a very useful dictionary for the practitioner - on top of that "the dictionary will be updated in future. Notes to the author are wellcome" (XII), as the author says.

Interesting and useful references and instruction on how to use this dictionary complete the book.


2003 December 19
T+T Consult

Further Informations:
going to be published in: Natural Sciences 3 (1) 2004