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Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Akademie der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Forschungszentrum Bienentherapie / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator


"unexplainable" Phenomenon Regarding The Interrelationship Between The Increase Of Viruses And Factory Farming

What is the connection between new and dangerous viruses like SARS, H5N1 (bird influenza) and cruelty to animals by using for instance recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)?

There is a lot of cruelty to animals - bees included - , especially in industrial countries, last but not least feeding animals to cows (as it is still practiced in some countries: "FDA still gives the green light to feeding slaughterhouse wastes, manure, and blood to chickens and pigs, however, as well as feeding these animals back to cows" (1) or using Monsanto's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH).

Regarding rBGH Scientists warn that it may increase your risks of getting cancer: "Since its release onto the market in 1994, Monsanto's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) has been banned in most industrialized nations, other than the U.S., Brazil, and Mexico. While the genetically engineered hormone is regularly being injected into 22% of the dairy herd in the U.S. to force cows to give more milk, scientists warn that it may increase your risks of getting cancer. Knowing consumers want to avoid rBGH, Monsanto has successfully sued a number of dairies over the years for labeling their products "rBGH-Free."  After a decade of forcing rBGH-tainted milk and dairy products on consumers, Monsanto has recently admitted to having mysterious production problems in the Austrian factory supplying them with rBGH. Last week, the company announced it is being forced to cut back production of rBGH (trade name Posilac) by 50%, due, in part, to failing FDA inspections at its manufacturing plant. Rumors are circulating in the dairy industry that
rBGH, the first genetically engineered animal drug put into the U.S. food supply, may be pulled off the market" (2).

There are campaigns like "Millions Against Monsanto: If you're talking about PCBs, Agent Orange, Bovine Growth Hormone, water privatization, biopiracy, untested/unlabeled genetically engineered organisms, or persecuting small family farmers for seed saving, you're talking about the Monsanto Corporation" (3). The campaigner want Monsanto to "Stop intimidating small family farmers. Stop force-feeding untested and unlabeled genetically engineered foods on consumers. Stop using billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers' money to subsidize genetically engineered crops--cotton, soybeans, corn, and canola" (4).

The Commission president of the EU Romano Prodi has nothing better to say after writing a strategy paper than: The EU needs to "bring home the harvest of this high technology field" (5). Without noticing that there might be an interrelationship between this technology and for instance a socalled "Influenza-Pandemic"(6) as it is described in below mentioned publications.

2004 January 29
Centre for Ecological Apiculture

More Information:
Full verson in: Natural Science  3 (1) 2004
See also: online books:
"Side-Effects of Pesticides / health hazards of genetic engineering"
"Social Medicine/Apitherapy"

International science magazines:
Apicultural Review Letters
Natural Science
Science Review Letters