Of Products From Bee Colonies III
Abstract: Honey-
and propolisadulteration in China and Turkey; Dubai-Chokolate from Turkey
and the United Arab Emirates contains toxic and cancerogen substances.
More ...
Ecological Topbar-Beekeeping
for Gardeners (Permakulture, Agro-Forestry). More...
Apitherapy -
books and distance courses 2025
Centre for natural
Beetherapy 2024: Mechanistical
Medicine I-II, Press-Release; Ders. 2025 Mechanistical
Medicine III, Ib.; Ders. 2024:Natural
Therapies and social Medicine instead of genetherapy and mRNA Vacczine.
Press-Release; Ders. 2025 Therapy
III, Ib.;
How to produce high
quality bee products? More...
Cancer Caused By
"Die etablierte Medizin
hat sich zu einer ernsten Gefahr für die Gesundheit entwickelt." Ivan
Illich, Nemesis der Medizin
Illichs Kritik ist
auch heute noch aktuell, gerade bezüglich der Biotech- Medizin, die
man auch als "Kurpfuscherei" bezeichnen könnte mit ihrer Vielfalt
und Ubiquität "quacksalberischer Patentmittel".
die gewöhnliche
Naturerkenntnis, die sogenannte "wissensbasierte Medizin" hat mit der Realität
nichts zu tun, höchstens mit Spiegelfechterei und Quacksalberei
Moderne Mythologien,
der Astronomie, der Biotech-Medizin, der Biotech-Landwirtschaft More
Der mittelalterlich-scholastische
Realismus etwa eines Thomas Aquinas hat in der neueren Weltanschauung keine
Fortsetzung gefunden. In der modernen Weltanschauung ist alles Nominalismus
heutige Naturforschung
als Dämonolatrie (Anbetung der Dämonen). Die heutige Naturwissenschaft
hat keine Ahnung von Genen, mRNA, Vererbungsverhältnissen; Unsinn
der Wissenschaft in Bezug auf die Genetik, Gentechnik
Bedenkliche Entwicklung
in der modernen Naturforschung, Uran, radioaktive Substanzen, Atomenergie;
autoritative Sprache der Naturwissenschaft aber ohne Geist; Albertus Magnus;
Der Atomismus führt zum Entseelen in der Wissenschaft, Gregor Mendel,
Genetik, Gentechnik
Werden heutige Biotech-Wissenschaftler
immer «blödsinniger»?
wenn Wissenschaft
missbraucht wird, entsteht schwärzest-magischer Unfug bzw. das, was
heute am dümmsten ist: Biotech, Gentherapie, mRNA- und Gentechnik,
CrisprCas usw. und was man früher Eugenetik nannte; den materialistischen
Medizinern wird man es übergeben, die Seelen auszutreiben aus der
Menschheit More
GMO's in vegan hamburgers.
Review letters 2019, 18, No. 1177
GMO's with negative
side effects. Api Review letters
2018, 17, No. 1128
Neuartige Insektizide
wie die Neonikotinoide töten nicht nur Bienenköniginnen. Api
Review letters 2016, 15, No. 1028
Modified Seeds Cause More Harm Than Good I-VI. More...
Some scientists, especially
those from Monsanto, Nestlé & Co. are superstitious according
to recent scientific research. Api
Review Letters 2013, 12, Nr. 822
Instead Of Candies With Genetically Modified Ingredients And Glyphosat
Wrong testimonials from
Biotech-Giants. Api Review
Letters 2012, Vol.11, # 721
Toxins From Genetically Modified Plants Found In Women And Fetuses
Links to allergies,
auto-immune disease, and other disorders Natural Bt is dangerous; Bt cotton
linked to human allergies, animal deaths; Living pesticide factories inside
us? Science
Review Letters 2011, Vol.10, # 400
Full Story Of An Until Now Legal Poison: Roundup (Glyphosate)
Monsanto's Roundup Triggers
Over 40 Plant Diseases and Endangers Human and Animal Health. Alzheimer,
Parkinson, Cancer Science
Review Letters 2011, Vol.10, # 381
On Cause And Effect Of Finance Crisis - More...
Alternative Therapies
And Holistic Healing Instead Of Red Biotechnology - Natural And Holistic
Abstract: homeopathic
healing, alternative and holistic therapies such as Apitherapy instead
of red Biotechnology. Dangerous TNF-Alpha-Inhibitors. Genetically modified
fruits and vegetables and even the new generation „Biologica" (genetically
engineered medicine) and medicine for lowering cholesterol create more
unpleasant side-effects than leading to a useful health. Critical multiple
organ collapse caused by socalled "magic balls" - such as antibodies from
rats "humanized" with the help of genetic engineering for "curing" rheumatism.
Especially rheumatism can be cured really good by natural Apitherapy. Genetically
engineered medicine is completely superfluous, because rheumatism, high
blood pressure, sclerosis, allergies etc can be cured by natural beeproduce.
On top of that, using natural beeproduce and special cure packages issued
by centre for social medicine and natural Apitherapy, you don't support
laboratory animal experiments, which is nothing but cruelty to animals.
High blood cholesterol levels are associated with diets rich in dried and
powdered animal produce (such as powdered milk, eggs, cheese, fat,
which can be found in chocolade, bakery, ice-cream etc.) as well as too
much TV watching and stress. High levels of cholesterol in the blood are
found in diabetes. Excess cholesterol can be deposited in the walls of
arteries, causing atherosclerosis. Meanwhile it is well known that people
who take cholesterol lowering medicine die therfore from much more severe
diseases such as cancer, inflammation of pancreas, or they have at least
to recon with impotence, severe kidney diseases or damages of the liver.
Especially diseases such as rheumatism, atherosclerosis, psoriasis, morbus
crohn, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol in the
blood can be cured by alternative treatment and natural remedies such as
holistic Apitherapy and alternative therapies with natural bee products
provided by Centre for social medicine / holistic Apitherapy Research Centre.
Heavy negative side effects of efalizumab (Biologica) and other medicine
against psoriasis, rheumatism, osteoporosis. pain-killing drug (analgesic)
and doping. Prophecy of Nobel price winner James Watson was wrong: substances
against cancer such as Avastin cure nothing. Not to mention exteme costs
of this new avastin-therapy which is able to cause complete health systems
to rock. More...
Quality Of Bee Products
Abstract: bee products
used for alternative medicine, apitherapy, holistic healing, homeopathic
therapies and cosmetics need to be without residuals. Beeswax, partitions,
comb in the comb and propolis, sold by trading companies or ebay, may contain
paraffine and DEET. Artificial comb honey in cassettes made of wood or
plastic. More important than chemical analysis of products (beeswax, comb
honey, comb in the comb, raw honey, raw-propolis, Propolis-tincture, beesbread)
is the origin of the raw materials, the way beekeepers keep their bees
and which kind of hives they use. This fact is overseen in many cases by
producers of propolis products. Propolis products offered in supermarkets
or drug stores sometimes contain not only pollutant loads or enrichments
with harmful substances but also cancer causing and biotechnological produced
sugar substitutes as isomalt or aspartame. The quality of food and beeproduce
cannot be clearified by common analytic methods and techniques. Analytic
procedures are too crude; thats the reason why foodstuff inspectors were
often easy game for the swindlers. Also methods of harvesting propolis
and pollen are very often anything but according the needs of bees. Even
socalled "organic" beeswax may be contaminated with beeswax that contains
low amounts of pesticides or paraffin. Thus, raw honey, beeswax, beesbread,
pollen and propolis may be contaminated, especially if beekeeping methods
are not according standards of Centre for ecological Apiculture. Food containing
GM-maize or compounds of other genetically engineered crops are toxic as
new scientific research turned out. As cosmetic industry want to offer
low budget products, it is creating now cremes, lotions and fragrances
without natural ingredients good for skin care such as beeswax and herbal
oils; cosmetic industry is using poor and cancerogenic compounds instead
such as Paraffinum Liqu., microcristaline wax (Mikroparaffin) or vaseline,
PEG (Polyethylenglykol), Aluminium, Benzoeacid, Glycerine. Even expensive
cosmetics may contain substances who support tumors in respiratory tract.
Ingredients in Cosmetics to Avoid. Non organic skin care creme and doping.
Organic cosmetics and GMO's. Beeswax candles instead of Candles without
beeswax made of paraffin and plant oils from genetically modified cotton
seeds. "grease bandits" and "grease lawyers" . TCDD. Skyscaperhives, royal
jelly and organic royal jelly. More...
With Natural Beekeeping / Apitherapy Instead Of Going On A Diet
Abstract: Risk of going
on a Diät. Slimming treatment and mortality, diabetes mellitus, gall-stones,
osteoporosis, low cholesterol level, depression and intellectual deficiency,
natural beeproduce (for instance beebread in natural combs instead of perga)
are able to regulate disturbed organic functions and harmonize a weak metabolic
system - underweight and thinness as well as obesity. If you want to start
your own beekeeping enterprise, please notice the following: Common framehive
beekeeping and travelling with beecolonies - as it is also common among
organic beekeepers - is not suitable for obtaining that quality of beeproduce
which is needed for apitherapeutical beeproduce. More...
Natural Produce such as Comb in the Comb, Organic Milk, Organic Joghurt
than Artificial Produce such as Dangerous Candies from Genetically Modified
Raw Materials, "Sugarfree" Diet Drinks, Sugar Substitutes, Artificial Additives,
Artificial Milkproduce or Produce from Animals Fed with GM-Soy
Abstract: The problem
is the small print. companies from food processing industry advertise with
labels such as "sugar-free", "Zero"; but instead you can find sugar substitutes
as food additives such as Aspartame, Acesulfam K, Saccharin etc.: these
ingredients are well known for their ability to cause cancer and damage
of nerve cells. All these sugar substitutes damaging to health such as
Aspartame (E951), Acesulfam K (E950), Cyclamat (E952), Saccharin (E954),
Thaumatin (E957), Sucralose (E955), Aspartam-Acesulfamsalz (E962) commonly
found in sugarfree drinks for children, energydrinks such as " RedBull
sugarfree ", "Pepsi-light", "Coca-cola-zero" and sweets, may cause cancer
and other heavy health defects. Especially Aspartame which is commonly
found in diet drinks, candies and flavored medicines may also cause headaches,
depressions, arthritis, asthma, hypoglykamie and hyperglykamie, brain cancer,
death, loss of memory, extreme thirst or hunger, loss of hair, heart rhythm
disturbances, high blood pressure, impotence and sexual problems, lack
of concentration, high ability to catch infections, laryngitis, insomnia,
allergies, Tinnitus, changing of personality, increase of weight. William
Pardridge from Massachusettes Institute of Technology in Los Angeles found
out that there may be a connection between high amounts of Phenylalanine
in the blood of mothers and a low intelligence quotient of their children.
Not the nutritionists need to become better, but the food. Feeding is communication.
If we change a balanced diet for instance by eating unphysiological food
or damage the flora of the intestine, it has severe consequences for us.
Did you know that socalled nido products, candy cornflaces and similar
cereals for children with added vitamin- and mineralbombs may cause the
death of your children? Feeding trials provided shattering results: the
rats, who should be bursting with health according advertisement, were
mortally ill. Food containing GM-maize or parts of other genetically modified
plants such as plant oils and fats, lecithin (cotton seeds, soy), is toxic,
as new studies show. Irrespective of which gene you insert, the process
of genetic engineering itself results in massive collateral damage within
the plants' natural DNA.Damages of liver and kidneys. Apitherapeutical
cure-package # 11. Not only artificial pseudo-milk-products made of genetically
modified ingredients, even common products from animals (except those from
organic farming) come from animals who were fed with GM-soy. geneticall
engineered weat; what now happens to tobaccoindustry, soon going to occur
to pesticde- and biotechindustry; insolvency of Monsanto in near future?
WWF Pro-Gentechnik. GM-soy in organic icecream from supermarket. Not only
Polyglycerin-Polyricinoleat (E476), all products made of GM soy, GM cotton
seeds, GM maize, GM rape need to be declared as dangerous.
three star restaurants offer biotech-food and ingredients made of products
used for filling and wallpapering.More...
Old Traditions in Apiculture
and Viniculture
Abstract: The global
market for organic products for the year 2008 was estimated at 50 Billion
US-Dollar - products, even better and more ecological than organic products,
not included. From that it is clear that organic agriculture is becoming
more and more important as a counterpole to genetically modified plants
and animals - by the way, the latter is going to be rejected worldwide
because of severe negative side effects on environment and the health of
animals and human beings. In most cases organic produce are a good choice.
But the slogan: "without genetic engineering because it's organic" does
not apply to supermarkets. Organic Honey and other organic beeproduce do
not live up to expectations at all. In most cases natural beekeeping is
pretended, in parts even ecological, sustainable or bee-friendly beekeping.
Warré hive beekeeping. Almost no difference between organic and
non-organic beekeeping method. The beecolonies are neither being kept ecological
in organic apiaries nor in non-organic apiaries. The "traditional" framehive
beekeeping and sugar feeding allows organic beekeepers to harvest as much
honey as beekeepers from other beekeeping associations. Many authors who
write about organic beekeeping or certified organic apiaries, have more
phantasy and the ability of pure invention than real specialist knowledge.
The aims and principles of an organic apiary still remain rationalisation
and higher yields at the expence of the beecolony's health. Mrs. Bentzien
describes the organic apiary highly imaginative in the most rosy colours;
this apply also to organisations such as "natural beekeeping trust"; but
the reality of organic beekeeping is different: those beekeepers who are
allowed to use an organic label are allowed to feed sugar, to carry out
artificial insemination of the queen - well, of course an "insemination
of the queen without much injuring" should be guaranteed - , to use non
natural queenbreeding methods ("grafting"), to add artificially created
parts of the comb (which disturbs communication among the colony), to fix
these artificially created parts of the comb with wire, the use of magazines
and supers (for instance framehive beekeeping, rotating framehive and warre
beekeeping), the use of smoke (which by the way can be called an act of
cruelty to bees), even the Pressing-Method is not prohibited; Some organic
beekeepers even clip the wings of the queen to prevent swarming - a technique
which is supported by many beekeeping associations and scientists. Travelling
with beecolonies is also allowed in organic beekeeping; that's the reason
why also organic beeproduce may be contaminated with heavy loads of pesticides
and antibiotics. Translocation of Neonikotinoid Insecticides from coated
Seeds to Seeding Guttation Drops: A Novel Way of Intoxication for Bees.
industrialisation of apiculture and viniculture. Mass-produced articles
sold in supermarkets: Food processing industry uses the full repertoire
of food technology; regarding beeproduce for instance: ripening machine,
heated honey homogenisators, ultrafiltration, honeypowder, artificial comb
honey; Medihoney.
Mechanistical point
of view in Bio- /lifesciences /Medicine and unpredictable causes - Rheumatism/
natural Apitherapy
Abstract: Rheumatic
diseases cannot be cured by allopathic Medicine (comonly genetically modified
antibody); natural apitherapeutical produce and cure packages can cure.
Critical multiple organ collapse caused by socalled "magic balls" - such
as antibodies from rats "humanized" with the help of genetic engineering
for "curing" rheumatism. Therapeutical Antibodies are now registered as
high risk substances. Time and time again new severe side effects of these
humanized antibodies such as Natalizumab (Tysabri), Trastuzumab (Herceptin),
Bevacizumab (Avastin), Rituximab ("MabThera") occur. Nevertheless Biotechnology
companies swear by humanized antibodies. Especially rheumatism can be cured
really good by natural Apitherapy. More...
Review Letters Vol. 5 - 24, 2006 - 2025:
FDA And The GM-Crop-Disaster
The US government payments
to farmers are several $ billions annually due to GM crops. Growers have
only been kept afloat by the huge jump in subsidies. genetic pollution
caused by today’s GMOs could theoretically outlast the effects of global
warming and nuclear waste. Genetically modified sugar beets. A brand killed
about 100 Americans and caused 5,000-10,000 to become sick or permanently
disabled. The average GM crop reduces yield. Herbicide tolerant crops lower
yields and increase herbicide use. In India thousands of Bt cotton farmers
committed suicide - the rate in one region was one suicide every eight
hours. On Monsanto`s bribery-system, dirty tricks, pack of lies and all
the little blackguards and vice-blackguards: FDA policy created by Michael
Taylor states, "The agency is not aware of any information showing that
foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any meaningful
or uniform way." On the basis of this sentence, the FDA claimed that no
safety studies are necessary; biotech companies thus determine on their
own if their products are harmless. Internal records were made public due
to a lawsuit and the deception came to light. But it was too late. GM crops
were widespread - and Michael Taylor had been duly rewarded after leaving
the FDA by becoming a Monsanto vice president.
Unscientific Assumptions The Basis Of Approvals? - Blatant Propaganda Exercise
Stands Validated As Exemplary Science - Toxic Genecally Modified Foods
Could Have Been Approved
Submissions to the US
Food and Drug Administraion (FDA) may be worse than in other countries,
since the agency doesn't actually require any data. Their policy—overseen
by Monsanto's former attorney who later became the company's vice president—says
that biotech companies can determine if their own foods are safe. Anything
submitted is voluntary and, according to former Environmental Protection
Agency scientist Doug Gurian-Sherman, "often lack[s] sufficient detail,
such as necessary statistical analyses needed for an adequate safety evaluation."
Using Freedom of Information Requests, Gurian-Sherman analyzed more than
a fourth of the data summaries of GM crops reviewed by the FDA. He says,
"Our evaluation found that the biotechnology companies provide inadequate
data to ensure their products are safe".
Two GM foods whose
commercialization was stopped because of negative test results give a chilling
example of what may be getting through. Rats fed GM potatoes had potentially
precancerous cell growth in the stomach and intestines, less developed
brains, livers, and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, and damaged
immune systems. GM peas provoked an inflammatory response in mice, suggesting
that the peas might trigger a deadly anaphylactic shock in allergic humans.
Both of these dangerous crops, however, could easily have been approved.
The problems were only discovered because the researchers used advanced
tests that were never applied to GM crops already on the market. Both would
have passed the normal tests that companies typically use to get their
products approved. Ironically, when Monsanto was asked to comment on the
pea study, their spokesperson said it demonstrated that the regulatory
system works. He failed to disclose that none of the company's GM crops
had been put through such rigorous tests. More...
Modified (GM) Foods Are Unhealthy And Unsafe
Genetically modified
(GM) foods are inherently unsafe, and current safety assessments are not
competent to protect us from or even identify most dangers. Soy allergies
jumped 50% in the U.K. just after GM soy was introduced. immune responses
are triggered by both the natural Bt toxin in spray form and Bt crops.
The concentration of Bt toxin in crops, however, can be thousands of times
higher than in sprays; and changes in its protein structure make the crop
version more likely to provoke reactions in humans. Additional evidence:
When populations were exposed to Bt spray, hundreds complained of allergic
reactions; exposed farm workers also exhibited antibody responses.
Bt-cotton workers
in India reported sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, skin eruptions, itching
and burning, red skin and eyes, facial swelling, and fever. Some people
required hospitalization. The two lists are nearly identical-only "exacerbations
of asthma" was on the spray list and not the other. Asthma and breathing
difficulties were reported by Filipinos who inhaled Bt-corn pollen. They
also described swollen faces, flu-like symptoms, fever, and sneezing. Some
individuals in both India and the Philippines also reported long-term effects
after exposure. The list of symptoms in the Philippines, however, did contain
items not reported by the other two groups. These included coughs, headache,
stomach ache, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and numbness. Reproductive
Problems. More...
The Full
Catastrophe of Agrobiotechnology, Genetically Modified (GM) Foods, Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMOs) I-V
The whole story of genetically
modified foods and GMOs. More...
The Full
Catastrophe of Agrobiotechnology Part V
The whole catastrophe
of genetically modified foods and GMOs can be seen by daylight now. Companies
like Monsanto gave bribes and questionable payments to officials, attempting
to get their genetically modified (GM) plants approved. On Monsanto`s bribery-system,
dirty tricks, pack of lies and all the little blackguards and vice-blackguards.
BASF-CEO Jürgen Hamprecht tells us about his partnership with Monsanto
because he believes in the 'compentence' of Monsanto in these matters.
The conflict of interest among scientists at the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) GMO Panel and FDA - FDA ceated health crisis - how corporations
engineered the non-regulation of dangerous genetically modified foods.
The FDA's "non-regulation" Of GM Foods - Humans as guinea pigs - covering
up health dangers - fake safety assessments. More...
The Full
Catastrophe of Agrobiotechnology Part IV
Dangerous health risks
of genetically modified (GM) foods, genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Genetically Engineered Crops May Produce Herbicide Inside Our Intestines.
Disturbing gut bacteria. Endocrine disruption at extremely low doses. Inadequate
animal feeding studies. More...
The Full
Catastrophe of Agrobiotechnology Part III
The Documented Health
Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods. Americans are Uninformed and Misinformed
on GMOs. More..
The Full
Catastrophe of Agrobiotechnology Part II
Bt cotton triggers allergic
reactions - Bt corn pollen may cause allergies - Studies show immune responses
to GM crops.
The Full
Catastrophe of Agrobiotechnology Part I
On Genetically Modified
Foods -Toxins and Reproductive Failures - Higher death rates and organ
damage - Reproductive failures and infant mortality - Farmers report Livestock
sterility and deaths. More...
of Review Letters
surveyors from Centre
for foodsafety and Centre for Ecological Apiculture: Expertises on negative
side effects of GM crops, Hazards of pesticides and GM-crops to beneficial
insects, especially Honeybees.
Review Letters Vol. 4-7, 2005-2008 and Api
Review Letters Vol. 8 - 24, 2009 - 2025:
Toxic milk from Monsanto's rbGH-cows in USA and elsewhere. Milk
from rbGH-treated cows may increase risk of cancer. World renowned biologist
Pushpa M. Bhargava goes one step further. After reviewing more than 600
scientific journals, he concludes that genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
are a major contributor to the sharply deteriorating health of Americans.
More and more doctors are already prescribing GM-free diets. Dr. Amy Dean,
a Michigan internal medicine specialist, and board member of AAEM says,
“I strongly recommend patients eat strictly non-genetically modified foods.”
Ohio allergist Dr. John Boyles says “I used to test for soy allergies all
the time, but now that soy is genetically engineered, it is so dangerous
that I tell people never to eat it.” Pregnant women and babies at great
risk. Eating a corn chip produced from Bt corn might transform our intestinal
bacteria into living pesticide factories, possibly for the rest of our
lives. When evidence of gene transfer is reported at medical conferences
around the US, doctors often respond by citing the huge increase of gastrointestinal
problems among their patients over the last decade. GM foods might be colonizing
the gut flora of North Americans (2009, 8, # 351)
on How to Become a Topbar- Beekeeper of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Natural beekeeping without
frames, sugarfeeding, cruelty to animals. - - - New scientific research
turned out that not only plastic combs and artificial foundation but also
frames made of wood, as they are also allowed in organic / biodynamic or
Demeter beekeeping, can lead to a complete collapse of communication system
of a beecolony. - - - Therefore more natural beekeepers are needed! - -
- During a two semester Traineeship in english language you can qualify
for „Ecological beekeeping Proficiency Certificate". As a certifiied Apiary
of Centre for Ecological Apiculture you'll have the possibillity to spread
this kind of beekeeping all over the world: ecological api culture in Top-bar-hives
according standards of Centre for Ecological Apiculture. More...
of Science" or „Master of Science" in the Centre for Ecological Apiculture?
Additional qualification
offers the Centre for Ecological Apiculture and Social Medicine / Natural
Apitherapy. During an one or two semester Training in english or german
language you can qualify for „First Certificate" and „Proficiency
Certificate". As a certifiied Apiary of Centre for Ecological Apiculture
you'll have the possibillity to spread this kind of beekeeping all over
the world: ecological api culture in top-bar-hives according standards
of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture. Even distance courses (First lessons
in organic / ecological top bar beekeeping) are possible. More...
US-Resistance Against Genetically Modified Foods
documented in latest
US-issues of science review letters: The full catastrophe regarding
Agrobiotechnology, genetically modified (GM) foods, genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) More...
common practise to spread forbidden products (for instance bioengineered
pigs), is, to sell them accidentally to market
FDA has officially closed its investigation on a 2003 food safety mishap,
wherein nearly 400 bioengineered pigs, developed for research, mistakenly
ended up in the U.S. food supply. The University of Illinois says it accidentally
sold the pigs to a livestock dealer, instead of incinerating them, as is
required by law. The FDA claims it cannot make a statement regarding potential
risk to human health, given the fact that the researchers kept insufficient
records. The mishap follows on the heels of a similar situation occurring
in 2001, when genetically engineered pigs were stolen from the University
of Florida, and later turned up in the sausage served at a funeral in High
OB #66 (9/29/2005)
2005 October 5
States? - More and more States listen to warninigs regarding unrecognized
ecological consequences -as many people are not born yesterday
there reasons to vote for the green genetic modification? The most important
German daily Newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) don't
want to "accord in the choir of the genetic modification - lobbyists and
glorify each product of the green genetic modification, possibly planting
even all fields therewith. America, where in the south west one of the
most strange and biologic poorest agrarian steppes of the earth extends,
delivers a warning example, regarding agriculture as well as the eating
culture. That there are detectives and lawyers hiking over the fields to
search for farmers, who cultivated illicitly, or unintentionally seeds
developed by these Biotech-firm, makes no appetite on genetechnically modified
Most people are born
not yesterday, however, there are still existing some of those from yesterday.
For example the Spanish Minister of Agriculture Miguel Arias Canete. In
matters of genetic modification he doesn’t know any fears of contact. As
one of the largest adressee countries for subsidies from EU, Spain squanders
the money for the subvention of the green genetic modification. „ The interest
of our farmers increases. In Spain there is an enormous demand concerning
the new genetically changed kinds ", said the Spanish Agriculture Minister
on a conferrence in Brussels. Spain is regarding cultivation of transgenic
plants outrider in the European Union. About 32.000 hectare would already
be cultivated with genetically altered maize, said Canete. - In future
one needs to be more cautious with agricultural products made in Spain,
also the subsidies from Brussels better should be distributed to other,
GMO-free countries.
The following firms
are waiting for admission of their GE-products: Syngenta (formerly Novartis),
Monsanto, plants Genetic System, Amylogene, Bayer CropScience, KWS seed.
Test case for the further proceeding in the EU - approval procedure is
a sweet maize of the Swiss enterprise Syngenta, which shall be exported
as canned goods grown from the associated States to Europe. Maize, Soy,
potatoes, sugar beets and cotton shall follow.
Important according
the FAZ are the sceptical answers of the environmental and consumer protectors:
„ They warn of unrecognized ecological consequences later by the damage
of beneficial insects, or of the creation of 'Super weeds ', which some
time or other will get out of control. Also the effects on the human health
are not completely clarified. Neither allergies can be excluded nor toxical,
or carcinogen effects in the long run".
2004 January 9
More Information:
See also book "Side-Effects
of Pesticides / GMOs - On the results of the socalled "third industrial
revolution" and Natural
Science 3
(1) 2004
See further Articles
on side-effects of genetic engineering:
from the World of GMOs and their Oponents"
manifold landscapes and the third industrial revolution"
Engineering - wrong in the Premises?"
Our Experts
give further assistance.
Become a Save
Beecolonies member or patron of honeybees
EU is
furthemore against GMOs - "Green Genetic Modification" - the most
severe regression in animal - and plant breeding which ever occured in
majority of the population in the EU is furthermore against GMOs. The population
sees in that "green genetic modification" not the frequently so described
"third industrial revolution" but the most severe regression in animal
- and plant breeding which ever occured in history. That changes neither
by the action of the United States, Canada and Argentina at the Worldtrade
Organisation (WTO) against the EU about a since five years maintained prohibition
for the import of GMOs, nor by the saying of the most powerful man of earth,
'GMOs are safe and could unscrupulous get cultivated and consumed'. Now
the matter is to renew that since five years consisting prohibition, and
to prevent the first admissions, because "the admission of a maize kind
developed by the company Syngenta is valid as a leading case for other
approbations" (FAZ).
2003 November 12
T+T Consult Public
More Information:
See also book "Side-Effects
of Pesticides / GMOs - On the results of the socalled "third industrial
revolution" and Natural
Science 2
(4) 2003
See further Articles
on side-effects of genetic engineering.
Our Experts
give further assistance.
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Beecolonies member or patron of honeybees
One of the main side
effects of this third industrial revolution, the so- called „green genetically
engineering ", are nevertheless the clearanced and devasted landscapes.
Thanks of ecological farming „green genetically engineering ", will
at least be kept off these areas - however a completely new concept is
Dr. van Elsen
says: „Ecological - also biologic-dynamical managing alone is no
guaranty for a manifold landscape".
New strategies concerning
farming are necessary - and here's called upon each single country of this
earth, to develope and realize these strategies. Our experts
centres can offer help support; but to decide keeping GMOs away
from agriculture, is up to the people and the chosen representatives of
each single country - a decision which cannot be delayed.
2003 November 04
version in: Natural Science 2
is releasing genetically engineered plants or animals in landscape, or
who is responsible for it, like authorities who release the rules, can
be taken to court for it, because he commited an act of culpable negligence
- "Colony Collapse Disorder
the Risks of Agro-Biotechnology I-III
side effects of genetically modified crops on honeybees
a member or support honeybees kept naturally without cruelty to animals!
Health and Organic honey - which Standards are relevant for social Medicine
/ natural Apitherapy?
for Food Safety
or Tbh?
Beecolonies-Bienenpatenschaften | Natural Apitherapy Council
der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator
Review Letters / Science Review Letters
the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
for Ecological Apiculture
Apitherapy Research Centre
/ Academy of Sciences
© 2002-2025 Centre for Food Quality
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and important courses: 
Expertise in agriculture
and food quality. Feasibility studies regarding biodynamic farming / manifold
landscapes, hazards of genetic engineering.
Contact: become a
and make an appointment
Courses in organic
/ biodynamic farming, foodquality: Training for becoming an expert of Centre
for Biodyn Agriculture and Food Quality. More...
Organic / ecological
beekeeping for backyard beekeepers, organic gardeners and farmers: Crash
course and distance course: "ecological top bar beekeeping for beginners".
Training (#62) certification
courses for beginners and professionals. More...
Alternative therapies,
health and nutrition, holistic healing, natural apitherapy:
Certification courses
/ training holistic healing and natural apitherapy (#162). More...