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Farming, Manifold Landscape

And The Socalled "Third Industrial Revolution"

One of the most remarkable science publicists nowadays on the sector biologic - dynamical farming and landscape, Dr. Thomas van Elsen (University of Kassel, Faculty of Ecological Agriculture Sciences, Department of Organic Farming and Cropping Systems Witzenhausen, Germany) thinks thereto, it get admittedly much advertised with a "healthy landscape" - even in Eco - farming - nevertheless he estimates it to be a "promising, whose redemption in many cases is still missing" (1).

Farming has turned more and more to a "Corporate Farming", which will go any length, if it only boosts the yields in short term. According to Malcolm T. Sanford (2003) agriculture, especially in USA, reached already the third industrial revolution, which exceptless concerns everybody, last but not least the bee keeper*:

"Beekeepers, like everyone else, will be affected by what is being called the "third industrial revolution." The first industrial revolution was use of new sources of energy to produce goods and services. The second involved information theory. That is now maturing as part of the "information" age, and is based on use of digital computers in almost all the trappings of "modern" life. The third is "genetic engineering," using aspects of the other two in conjunction with recent scientific developments to directly manipulate the components of biological life. The products issuing from the third revolution are called "genetically modified organisms" or GMOs. This opens up a whole new universe of possibility for agriculture and by extension apiculture"

Dr.Sanford describes the genetically engineered organisms (GMOs) as the third industrial revolution. In the USA one is already sure, that it "open up a whole universe of new possibilities" ( 3) - so to speak a fine new world, consisting of GM corn, GM cows and pigs, GM medicine, GM weapon (GMOs, who are able to destroy materials) etc.

Who then is still interested in how the landscape look like? lately it should be called: show me the culture landscape of your country and I tell you on which consciousness level you stand. "culture landscape is an expression of the consciousness development" says Dr. van Elsen; she will be so, like the society, the consumer esteem it. „Over decades peasants thereto were educated, to feel themselves as free mercantilists and to work for obtaining maximum yields, with the success, that further 'products' of farming - a manifold landscape and its species live stock became - a nursing case. Therein differs the ecological agriculture not basical from conventional "( 4).

In most cases one sees only the side effects of this third industrial revolution which are placed into the foreground. One investigates for example only, if cloned animals, or genetically modified stock can be harmful to the healths of human beings. Thus the FAZ recently writes lapidary: „No risks through consumption of cloned animals" ( 5 ). the American approval authority FDA still waits for some more reports, but fundamentally one has no scruples. Regarding the healths of cloned animals, the veterinary medicine-men came to the conclusion, that there are no special risks to be expected concerning cloning ( 6 ) - setting aside naturally all the abortions and deformities. For calming down it is said then: „most of these abortions would already be detected during, or briefly after birth, and the respective animals would quickly perish, or get slain "( 7 ).

A new industrial revolution demands sedatives. These get supplied diligently by this time: from the medias, the PR-agencies of the Biotec - firms, the purchased scientists and of politicians, which once had leader positions in the Biotec - firms; a machinery, which runs at high pressure in the USA and - at least there it seems to be effective. Notable scientist let themselves get lulled into, last but not least Dr. Sanford and Dr. Williams (IACR - Rothamsted, Plant and Invertebrate Ecology Division, Harpendent, Hertfordshire UK). one finds it encouragingly, that there are apparently no side effects  - and therewith one is pleased:

„The bottom line so far is encouraging, Dr. Williams concludes: "There is no evidence to date from the extensive growing of GM crops in the EU or in North America of harm to bees." (8).

One of the main side effects of this third industrial revolution, the so- called „green genetically engineering ",  are nevertheless the clearanced and devasted landscapes. Thanks of ecological farming  „green genetically engineering ", will at least be kept off these areas - however a completely new concept is needed.

Dr. van  Elsen says: „Ecological - also biologic-dynamical  managing alone is no guaranty for a manifold landscape" (9).

New strategies concerning farming are necessary - and here's called upon each single country of this earth, to develop and realize these strategies. our experts centres can render help support; but to decide keeping GMOs away  from agriculture, is up to the people and the chosen representatives of each single country - a decision which cannot be delayed.

*) More information and  address source for Bee-produce from beekeeping considering the character of bees - for instance: comb honey with natural cristalization (not heated) and honey from natural combs  (neither extracted nor stirred nor heated before filling) as well as pure beewax without residuals under :
List of beeproduce
Centre for social Medicine and natural Apitherapy
Centre for Ecological Apiculture.
Beekeeping courses (practical and distance) in the Centre for ecological Apiculture: start now with ecological top-bar-beekeeping for beginners!!

Notes and literature
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Part II 

Full version in:  Natural Science Vol. 2 Issue 4/2003

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