A well known
pro-GM science author of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Natur &
Wissenschaft) Joachim Müller-Jung is getting somehow a bit nervous
as GM Foods are considered now unsafe and unhealthy. He is not really interested
in protection of human beings or nature; what he wants is business as usual
for regulatory bodies, biotech companies and organisations like ISAAA.
We are living now in 21st Century and human beings are free and able to
use their mind properly to look into the facts. This is a problem for Joachim
Müller-Jung: If people see that GM Food and GMOs are generally unsafe,
they don’t want to eat GM-soy, GM-avocados, GM-potatoes, GM-papayas, GM-rice,
GM-corn, GM-tomatoes. Thus he wants Biotech industry and regulatory bodies
to be protected so that they can carry on selling their unsafe products
without panic.*
But we don’t want to join an issue on Joachim Müller-Jung but on Mr. Smith. Jeffrey M. Smith is the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology. His first book was Seeds of Deception . His newest book, Genetic Roulette , was recently released by Yes! Books (www.geneticroulette.com ). Smith is the producer of the video Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals and writes an internationally syndicated column Spilling the Beans . E-mail: info@seedsofdeception.com. Jeffrey M. Smith just looked at the facts and concluded acurately: genetically modified foods are unsafe. He recently wrote an article in a biotech magazine: „Here is an article I wrote for the current issue of Genetic Engineering News . This was certainly a controversial article for this biotech magazine to publish. They are soliciting opinions on the article at http://www.genengnews.com/blog/item.aspx?id=93 . In fact, some pro-GM advocates are trying to out do each other in their condemnation of anything that suggests GM foods are unhealthy. I encourage you to visit the site after reading this article, to enter a more intelligent comment.
Genetically modified (GM) foods are inherently unsafe, and current safety assessments are not competent to protect us from or even identify most dangers. Overwhelming evidence to support this conclusion is now compiled in the book Genetic Roulette: The documented health risks of genetically engineered foods, which presents an abundance of adverse findings and theoretical risks associated with GM foods.1
The book documents
lab animals with damage to virtually every system studied; thousands of
sick, sterile, or dead livestock; and people around the world who have
traced toxic or allergic reactions to eating GM products, breathing GM
pollen, or touching GM crops at harvest. It also exposes many incorrect
assumptions that were used to support GM approvals. This article, excerpted
from the book Genetic Roulette: The documented health risks of genetically
engineered foods by Jeffrey M. Smith, summarizes some of the findings related
to allergic and immune responses.
Soy allergies
jumped 50% in the U.K. just after GM soy was introduced.2 If GM soy was
the cause, it may be due to several things. The GM protein that makes Roundup
Ready Soy resistant to the herbicide does not have a history of safe use
in humans and may be an allergen. In fact, sections of its amino acid sequence
are identical to known allergens.3 A portion of the transgene from
ingested GM soybeans, along with the promoter that switches it on, transfers
into human gut bacteria during ingestion.4 The fact that the transformed
bacteria survives applications of Roundup's active ingredient, glyphosate,
suggests that the transgene continues to produce the Roundup Ready protein.
If true, then long after people stop eating GM soy they may be constantly
exposed to its potentially allergenic protein, which is being created within
their gut. (This protein may be made more allergenic due to misfolding,
attached molecular chains, or rearrangement of unstable transgenes, but
there is insufficient data to support or rule out these possibilities.1
) Studies suggest that the GM transformation process may have increased
natural allergens in soybeans. The level of one known allergen, trypsin
inhibitor, was 27% higher in raw GM soy varieties. More worrisome, it was
as much as sevenfold higher in cooked GM soy compared to cooked non-GM
soy.5 Not only is this higher amount potentially harmful, the finding also
suggests that the trypsin inhibitor in GM soy might be more heat stable
and, therefore, even more allergenic than the natural variety.6 It is also
possible that changes in GM soy DNA may produce new allergens. Although
there has never been an exhaustive analysis of the proteins or natural
products in GM soy, unpredicted changes in the DNA were discovered. A mutated
section of soy DNA was found near the transgene, which may contribute to
some unpredicted effects. Moreover, between this scrambled DNA and the
transgene is an extra transgene fragment, not discovered until years after
soy was on the market.7 The RNA produced is completely unexpected. It combines
material from all three sections: the full-length transgene, the transgene
fragment, and the mutated DNA sequence. This RNA is then further
processed into four different variations,8 which might lead to the production
of some unknown allergen. Another study verified that GM soybeans contain
an IgE-binding allergenic protein not found in nonGM soy controls, and
that one of eight subjects who showed a skin-prick allergic reaction to
GM soy had no reaction to nonGM soy.9 Although the sample size is small,
the implication that certain people react only to GM soy is huge. The increased
residue of Roundup herbicide in GM soy might contribute to increased allergies.10
In fact, the symptoms identified in the U.K. soy allergy study are among
those related to glyphosate exposure. The allergy study identified irritable
bowel syndrome, digestion problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, lethargy,
and skin complaints including acne and eczema.2 Symptoms of glyphosate
exposure include nausea, headaches, lethargy, skin rashes, and burning
or itchy skin.11 It is also possible that glyphosate's breakdown product,
AMPA, which accumulates in GM soybeans,12 ,13 might contribute to allergies.
Finally, mice fed GM soy had reduced levels of pancreatic enzymes.14 ,15
When protein-digesting enzymes are suppressed, proteins may last longer
in the gut, allowing more time for an allergic reaction to take place.
Any reduction in protein digestion could therefore promote allergic reactions
to a wide range of proteins, not just to the GM soy.
Bt toxin is consistently
associated with immune and allergic-type responses. Although the unpredicted
consequences of the GM transformation process might also contribute to
allergic reactions from Bt crops, evidence suggests that the Bt toxin itself
is a major factor. The Bt proteins found in most currently registered Bt-corn
varieties would not pass the allergy test protocol described in the 2001
FAO/WHO report,16 because they have amino acid sections identical with
known allergens17 and are too stable in simulated digestive solutions.18
,19 Furthermore, immune responses are triggered by both the natural Bt
toxin in spray form and Bt crops. The concentration of Bt toxin in crops,
however, can be thousands of times higher than in sprays;20 and changes
in its protein structure make the crop version more likely to provoke reactions
in humans.21 ,22 Additional evidence: When populations were exposed
to Bt spray, hundreds complained of allergic reactions; exposed farm workers
also exhibited antibody responses.23 -27
Indian farm workers exposed to Bt cotton developed moderate or severe allergic reactions.28
Bt toxin fed to mice induced a significant immune response and an increased reactivity to other substances.29 -31
Male rats fed MON 863 Bt corn had a significant increase in three types of blood cells related to the immune system: basophils, lymphocytes, and total white cell counts.32
Thousands of consumers
complained to food manufacturers about possible reactions to StarLink corn,33
and an expert panel determined that its Bt protein had a "medium likelihood"
of being a human allergen.34 The consistency between the reactions related
to Bt sprays and those reported by Bt-cotton workers is astounding. The
Bt spray was associated with sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, skin inflammation
and irritation, rashes, itching and burning, swelling, red skin and eyes,
exacerbations of asthma, facial swelling, and fever. Some people required
hospitalization.23 ,24 Bt-cotton workers in India reported sneezing, runny
nose, watery eyes, skin eruptions, itching and burning, red skin and eyes,
facial swelling, and fever. Some people required hospitalization.28 The
two lists are nearly identical-only "exacerbations of asthma" was on the
spray list and not the other. Asthma and breathing difficulties were reported
by Filipinos who inhaled Bt-corn pollen.35 They also described swollen
faces, flu-like symptoms, fever, and sneezing. Some individuals in both
India and the Philippines also reported long-term effects after exposure.
The list of symptoms in the Philippines, however, did contain items not
reported by the other two groups. These included coughs, headache, stomach
ache, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, and numbness.36
Toxicity and Reproductive Problems
In addition, there
is substantial evidence of toxicity and reproductive effects associated
with GM foods. Sheep that grazed on Bt-cotton plants in India, for example,
exhibited nasal discharge, reddish and erosive mouth lesions, cough, bloat,
diarrhea, and occasional red-colored urine. Shepherds report that 25% of
their herds died within 5-7 days. Post mortems on some of the estimated
10,000 dead sheep in the region indicated toxic reactions.37 Rats fed Bt
corn showed toxicity in their livers and kidneys.38 And farmers link Bt
corn with deaths among cows,39 water buffalo, horses, and chickens,36 as
well as sterility in thousands of pigs or cows.1 Animal feeding studies
with Roundup Ready soy indicated toxic livers,40 altered sperm cells,41
significant changes in embryo development,42 and a fivefold increase in
infant mortality, among others.43 Our understanding of DNA has progressed
rapidly since genetic engineering was applied to food crops, and many key
safety assumptions have been proven wrong. Perhaps some day scientists
will be able to safely and predictably alter
food crops for the benefit of mankind and the environment. Until then,
it is not responsible to risk the health of the entire population with
this infant science or to release these crops into the ecosystem where
they may self-propagate for generations. An immediate ban of GM foods and
crops is more than justified." **
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nov 7 2007 (No. 259, p.N1)
Modified Foods Unsafe? Evidence that Links GM Foods to Allergic Responses
by Jeffrey M. Smith, Genetic Engineering News, Nov 1 2007 (Vol. 27, No.
19) http://www.genengnews.com/articles/chitem.aspx?aid=2252
and Science Review Letters 2007, Vol. 6 #180
1 .
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Further reading and references:
published scientific research and practical advices on this topic can be
found in the quarterly magazine Apiculture
and Supplement Apicultural
Review Letters
well as in Natural Science and
Review Letters
Modified Seeds Cause More Harm Than Good I-VI. More...
Caused By GMO's. More...
Engineered Plants Or Animals In Landscape - Who Is Responsible For It,
Like Authorities Who Release The Rules, Can Be Taken To Court For It
And The GM-Crop Disaster
Unscientific Assumptions The Basis Of Approvals? - Blatant Propaganda Exercise
Stands Validated As Exemplary Science - Toxic Genetically Engineered Foods
Could Have Been Approved.
Modified Foods And Seeds Are Unhealthy And Unsafe - Evidence Links GM Foods
To Allergies
Biotechnology And Red Biotechnology In The Retreat
The Risks Of Agro-Biotechnology I-V - Negative Side Effects Of Genetically
Modified Crops On Honeybees
Engineering - Wrong In The Premises?"
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and Psychosis
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