Centre For Social Medicine And Natural Apitherapy
Michael Thiele College Of Alternative Medicine And Bee Therapy
Centre for Food Safety

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DI. M. Thiele, international coordinator of the Centre For Food Safety

Genetically Engineered Plants Or Animals In Landscape - Who Is Responsible For It, Like Authorities Who Release The Rules, Can Be Taken To Court For It

Everybody, who contaminate or destroy landscape nearly irreversible, commit an offence. This apply to oil-companies, who let their ships sink near the coasts, as well as for those who are responsible for releasing genetically modified products. We don't need to discuss if it is a punishable offence, but if it is duly punished, so that our landscape can be used also by generations in future.  No expert is talking about coexistence and safety distances, only layman like Annette Schavan, Princess Anne (the sister of Eco-Prince Charles).

Russian lawmakers want to equate GMO-related activities that may harm human health or even cause death to terrorist acts and impose criminal liability on producers, sellers and transporters of genetically modified organisms, the newspaper Izvestia writes in its Thursday issue.

Kirill Cherkasov, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma agrarian committee, said that tough regulation should be imposed in the area of gene engineering, since imports of GMO-containing products had increased
dramatically after Russia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). He said that the State Duma would issue a package of amendments to the national laws regulating technical and economic aspects of GMO-related
activities by its autumn session.

As several expertise* turned out you need to calculate with damages at least in amounts of thousands of millions, if genetically engineered plants or animals being released in landscape. Only in USA the damage of sudden decrease of pollinators ("Colony Collapse Disorder") is calculated with 50 thousand million US $. The whole damade for beekeepers, farmers, consumers and nature cannot be compensated with 800 thousand million US $.

Farmers, companies and authorities who either release genetically engineered plants or animals in landscape or being responsible for it by making the rules which allows the release of  genetically engineered plants or animals in landscape, can be taken to court for it, because they commited an act of culpable negligence. Taxes in amount of thousands of millions are necessary to cure the damages - if it is possible at all.

The CEO's of companies, who are well known for doing research in "green" biotechnology, like BASF, are trying now to make an innocent face by giving some delicate jobs as carrying genetically modified seeds to market - shortly: releasing into landscape - , to other companies who are corrupt anyway. According to BASF-CEO Jürgen Hamprecht, Monsanto shall carry all genetically modified products to market. He estimates Monsanto to be kompetent in these things: Monsanto knows, how to bribe decisionmakers, how to palm genetically modified seeds off on farmers and consumers, and how to sell all that stuff, which doesn't want anybody in Europe, in developing countries as high value products.

 "With Monsanto has been found a partner, who brings all competences with him, to sell products on market. BASF mainly is doing research in green biotechnology. We don't have any entrance to the market today said BASF-CEO Jürgen Hamprecht" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 2007, # 69, p. 16).

These kind of "competences" now are being labled to be illegal. Everybody, who contaminate or destroy landscape nearly irreversible, commit an offence. This apply to oil-companies, who let their ships sink near the coasts, as well as for those who are responsible for releasing genetically modified products. We don't need to discuss if it is a punishable offence, but if it is duly punished, so that our landscape can be used also by generations in future.  No expert is talking about coexistence and safety distances, only layman like Annette Schavan, Princess Anne (the sister of Eco-Prince Charles).
*)Expertises show that an "industrial" beekeeping with Magazines leads in connection with high pesticide treatments and biotechnological contamination of landscape to complete disappearance of beecolonies of a country. Surveyors are not alltogether surprised that beecolonies in USA vanish now by socalled "Colony Collapse Disorder" (Apicultural Review letters 2007, vol. 6, # 116-121).
**)Api Review Letters 2014, 13, #  880 and itar-tass.com, http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/731689

Further reading and references:

Online-Magazines:recently published scientific research and practical advices on this topic can be found in the quarterly magazine Apiculture and Supplement Apicultural Review Letters
as well as in Natural Science and Science Review Letters
Genetically Modified Seeds Cause More Harm Than Good I-VI. More...
Cancer Caused By GMO's. More...
Genetically Engineered Plants Or Animals In Landscape - Who Is Responsible For It, Like Authorities Who Release The Rules, Can Be Taken To Court For It
Monsanto And The GM-Crop Disaster
Biosafety? Unscientific Assumptions The Basis Of Approvals? - Blatant Propaganda Exercise Stands Validated As Exemplary Science - Toxic Genetically Engineered Foods Could Have Been Approved.
Genetically Modified Foods And Seeds Are Unhealthy And Unsafe - Evidence Links GM Foods To Allergies
Green Biotechnology And Red Biotechnology In The Retreat
On The Risks Of Agro-Biotechnology I-V  - Negative Side Effects Of Genetically Modified Crops On Honeybees
"Genetic Engineering - Wrong In The Premises?"

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Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Akademie der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Forschungszentrum Bienentherapie / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator

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