Centre for Ecological Apiculture

How To Get Started Keeping Bees

How Does it Work? - Distance Course and Crash-Courses in the Centre for Ecological Apiculture

Especially beginners (organic gardeners, farmers, non-medical practitioners, apitherapists) get started keeping bees in a simple and natural way by joining the class; naturally before spending money in expensive equippment for framehive- beekeeping (Langstroth, Dadant etc.).

Professional beekeepers, sideliners or hobbyists have also the possibillity to change from framehive beekeeping to topbar-beekeeping (see distance course No. 19). A two semester training for becoming a certified apiary of thr Centre for Ecological Apiculture is also an option.

Learn more on bees and how to get started a cruelty-free way of beekeeping in harmony with climate protection, on managing simple hives, especially top bar hives, on suitable equippment, how to build simple hives, colony developement in top bar hives, using the swarming impulse for breeding etc. and on how to produce natural apitherapeutical bee colony products without residuals.

Registration for distance course No. 19

Further reading and references:

Centre for Ecological Apiculture 2025: Bienenkiste, Warré or Top bar hive? - Take which-ever you like best, but which is the best for beginners, gardeners and backyard beekeepers? Press release

Training for becoming a certified partner-apiary of the Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Top-bar-beekeeping for beginners and experienced beekeepers, organic gardeners and farmers

Sign up for bee-therapy | Beauty-cure | Anti-aging | Infertility | Immunesystem | Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis | Crohn's disease
Rheumatism | Juvenile idiopathic arthritis | Heart diseases | Arteriosklerosis | MS | Diabetes | Neurodermitis | Obesity | Depression and Psychosis
 Allergies | Alzheimer / Parkinson | Diseases of the kidneys | Pancreas| how to improve fitness of the body
Propolis | Beeswax | Royal Jelly | Organic Honey | Comb in the Comb | Raw Honey | Organic Beekeeping Basic Course
Expertise | Courses | Home | Research | Save Beecolonies-Bienenpatenschaft | Certification | Training Apitherapy

Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator
Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences

Copyright © 2002-2025: Centre for Ecological Apiculture