up for bee-therapy | Beauty-cure
| Anti-aging
| Infertility
| Cancer
of the breast | Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis
Crohn's disease
| Juvenile idiopathic
arthritis | Heart
diseases | Arteriosklerosis
| MS |
| Neurodermitis
| Obesity |
and Psychosis
| Alzheimer
/ Parkinson | Diseases
of the kidneys | Pancreas
| how
to improve fitness of the body
| Beeswax | Royal
Jelly | Organic Honey
| Comb in the Comb
| Raw Honey | Organic
Beekeeping Basic Course
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Beecolonies-Bienenpatenschaft | Certification
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Review Letters / Science Review Letters
der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
for Ecological Apiculture
Bienentherapie / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
/ Academy of Sciences
M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator
With "La Miel de las Abejas"
Pablo E. Llona García
Miro supplied a first class book
("La Miel de las Abejas" by Pablo E. Llona
García Miro, more than 50 colour photos, first edition 2003.)
Again it is just published out a nice and appealingly book on honey and bees, whose posy could be termed: The bees live in harmony with nature.
The author confess, working with the bee colonies and their honey be an activity, which simply invites oneself to work also in harmony with nature: „... el trabajo con las colonias de abejas y su miel una actividad apassionante en armonia con la Naturaleza" (1).
Pablo E. Llona García Miro is an expert bee keeper and successful graduate of the First Certificate*; his texts are inspired for example by Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949), who obtained 1911 the nobel award for literature. The author writes, that his studies at the Virtual Global Academy, the book „ La Vida de las Abejas " of Maurice Maeterlinck and his observations regarding the bee colonies have contributed thereto to form his philosophy, to work as a bee keeper and develope respect concerning the character of the bees and their honey.
„ Estudios a través del Concilio Alemán de Apicultura Orgánica Thiele und Thiele Consult, el libro „ La Vida de las Abejas " de Maurice Maeterlinck , mi dedicación a observar colonias de abejas en el campo en estado silvestre, su etorno y flora circundante y las propiedades de la miel de abejas en panal, han contribuido a formar mi filosofia de trabajo apicola, cuya escencia radica en el respeto a la natualeza de las abejas y su miel" (2).
Besides excellent photos (over 50 colour photos), the book contains words on the history of the apiary, the life of the bee, pollination, beeswax, detailed statements on honey and how one presents it to the consumers - and what is so special regarding the honeycombs honey. The honeycombs* honey (in naturally build combs) is namely the only honey, which keeps his typical aroma, his colour, his flavoring and his components at the longest and therefore became eulogized in the antiquity as a medicine.
„ La miel en panal virgin, debidamente almacenada, conserva inalteradas -por un tiempo prolongado- sus propiedades organolépticas (sabor, color y aroma que varían según la fuente floral y zona geographica de origin), nutritivas y terapéuticas originarias, más de una reconocida ya desde antiguas civilizaciones. El célebre médico y filosofia persa Avicena, hace más de mil anos, en su libro ‘Canon de la medicina’, ya recomendaba la miel en panal" (3).
Even a very important chapter on honey falsification isn’t missing („ Degradacíon, adulteracíon Y contaminacíon de la miel"). Here the consumers get informed about the many and tricky techniques used for falsification of honey, like for example ultrafiltration - a technology, which is permitted since August 2003 in the EU and by which typical components of the honey get can filtered out (see certification courses #03 and #31).
This chapter is followed by one on Apitherapy according to the book on Apitherapy by Oswaldo Socorro Abreu und M. Carmen Espinar Moreno for the colegio oficial de farmacéuticos de Granada, Espana (4).
And naturally one chapter on working with the bees, as well as one on certification. In the latter is discussed particularly the „organic rule" , regulation (EC) 2092/91** and pointed out the insufficiencies. - We have manifold viewed in articles and analyses, how ineligible this regulation actually is referring to bee keeping; over that can also not obscure the distinction of the German Bio - seal as „Label of the Month " ( 5).
Briefly: Though there are existing by this many books on honey and bees, Pablo E. Llona García Miro has supplied a first class book, which searches its equals. At least for the spanish speaking part of the world this book is a „must ".
2003 October 21
T+T Consult
*) He is not yet
a certified beekeeper of the centre for ecological Apiculture
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