Centre for Ecological Apiculture


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Api Review Letters / Science Review Letters
Akademie der Kunst und Philosophie / Academy of Arts and Philosophy
Save the Bees, Bumblebees and Beecolonies
Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung
Centre for Ecological Apiculture
Forschungszentrum Bienentherapie / Natural Apitherapy Research Centre
Beetherapy / Academy of Sciences
DI. M. Thiele, President and international Coordinator


Unexplainable Phenomenons?

Weakening of the Beecolony by Unnatural Substances like Plastic Combs, Artificial Frames and Foundation, Rotating Frame Hives, Skyscraperhives, Insecticides, Genetically Modified Pollen

Reseach on this topic is coordinated by centre for ecological beekeeping (in German: Zentrum fuer wesensgemaesse Bienenhaltung) and by scientists from several universities in Germany and other countries. More and more it turns out that not only pollen and other parts from crops modified by Agro-biotechnology are responsible for a weakening of beecolonies, but also artificial frames, foundations and combs.

Is the colony being disturbed, while it is being forced to get along with new and unnatural substances, it never had selected itself (for example. Plastic combs), or comes in contact with it (special pesticides, GE-pollen), thus this can not only lead to communication - disorders within the colony, but causes by that also till now unexplainable phenomena. Because, if the communication is disturbed, the nectar - and pollen foragers can not decipher that "bee language" in the hive anymore, or too less foragers react on the bee dances (which show up the distance and quality of the feed source), thus too less nutritious pollen resp. nectar is going to be collected and the colony dies by starvation. Apiculture 2 (1) 2003

New scientific research turned out that plastic combs, artificial foundation and frames as they are in parts also allowed in organic beekeeping, lead to a collapse of communication system of a beecolony. Important to know is the fact that a naturally built comb is not only used for storage of honey and pollen or brood rearing but it is also a kind of "world-wide-comb"; honeybees use it for tele-communication and transmitting of information.

Learning more not only on the phenomenon honeybee but also on how to keep honeybees according their character in the age of solar economy: Training in the Centre for Ecological Apiculture

Further reading regarding the latest scientific review on this research can be found in our publications. See also press-release 2003 below.

2007 Dec 18
Centre for Ecological Apiculture

beekeeping courses for beginners: ecological top-bar-beekeeping for beginners
See also: online book "Side-effects of pesticides / health hazards of genetic engineering"

International science magazines:
Apicultural Review Letters
Natural Science
Science Review Letters

Unexplainable Phenomenons?
A Further Weakening of the Honeybee?

The health conditions of the honeybee are in the industrialized countries of the earth increasingly worse. Colony losses of 30% - 50% of the stock in 2002/2003 were no rarity at apiaries in Germany, France, Austria and somewhere else.

Through determined beekeeping conditions the bee became over decades treated so unnatural, that it's immune system and "blood system" is debilitated; Parasites, viruses etc. are only the symptoms.

Not only newer investigations from Germany have turned out, how important determined, from the bees themselves produced substances and structures are for the communication in the colony. Is the colony being disturbed, while it is being forced to get along with new and unnatural substances, it never had selected itself (for example. Plastic combs), or comes in contact with it (special pesticides, GE-pollen), thus this can not only lead to communication - disorders within the colony, but causes by that also till now unexplainable phenomena. Because, if the communication is disturbed, the nectar - and pollen foragers can not decipher that "bee language" in the hive anymore, or too less foragers react on the bee dances (which show up the distance and quality of the feed source), thus too less nutritious pollen resp. nectar is going to be collected and the colony dies by starvation.

2003 March 3
T+T Consult

More Information: Apiculture 2 (1) 2003