Centre for Foodsafety

Agro-Biotechnology Wrong In The Premises?

Switzerland voted against agro-biotechnolgy. This could be a signal for other countries, also outside Europe. More and more States listen to warninigs regarding unrecognized ecological consequences -as many people are not born yesterday

Are there reasons to vote for Agro-biotechnology? The most important German daily Newspaper, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) doesn't want to "accord in the choir of the genetic modification - lobbyists and glorify each product of the green genetic modification, possibly planting even all fields therewith. America, where in the south west one of the most strange and biologic poorest agrarian steppes of the earth extends, delivers a warning example, regarding agriculture as well as the eating culture. That there are detectives and lawyers hiking over the fields to search for farmers, who cultivated illicitly, or unintentionally seeds developed by these Biotech-firm, makes no appetite on genetechnically modified food".

Most people are born not yesterday, however, there are still existing some of those from yesterday. For example the former Spanish Minister of Agriculture Miguel Arias Canete. In matters of genetic modification he doesn’t know any fears of contact. As one of the largest adressee countries for subsidies from EU, Spain squanders the money for the subvention of the green genetic modification. „ The interest of our farmers increases. In Spain there is an enormous demand concerning the new genetically changed kinds ", said the Spanish Agriculture Minister on a conferrence in Brussels. Spain is regarding cultivation of transgenic plants outrider in the European Union. About 32.000 hectare would already be cultivated with genetically altered maize, said Canete. - In future one needs to be more cautious with agricultural products made in Spain, also the subsidies from Brussels better should be distributed to other, GMO-free countries.

The following firms are waiting for admission of their GE-products: Syngenta (formerly Novartis), Monsanto, plants Genetic System, Amylogene, Bayer CropScience, KWS seed. Test case for the further proceeding in the EU - approval procedure is a sweet maize of the Swiss enterprise Syngenta, which shall be exported as canned goods grown from the associated States to Europe. Maize, Soy, potatoes, sugar beets and cotton shall follow.

Important according the FAZ are the sceptical answers of the environmental and consumer protectors: „ They warn of unrecognized ecological consequences later by the damage of beneficial insects, or of the creation of 'Super weeds ', which some time or other will get out of control. Also the effects on the human health are not completely clarified. Neither allergies can be excluded nor toxical, or carcinogen effects in the long run".
Online-book: "Risks And Side-Effects Of Pesticides / GMOs"  and Natural Science 3 (1) 2004
Press-release on unexplainable phenomenon
"Genetic Engineering - Wrong In The Premises?" In issue 1/2003 of the quarterly e-zine Natural Science it is being investigated on the premises of genetically engineering (GE). It is not only a matter of finding out, which side effects crop up  - but if genetically modification complies with an enlightened science understanding. Because only a science, which has investigated the premises thoroughly before, can be taken seriously for a long time. However, if one can find already mistakes in the premises, this leads finally to confusion and insecurity of true science. By new knowledge and reports from the United States mistakes in the premises of GE become far too clearly.

Further reading and references:

Online-Magazines:recently published scientific research and practical advices on this topic can be found in the quarterly magazine Apiculture and Supplement Apicultural Review Letters
as well as in Natural Science and Science Review Letters
Genetically Modified Seeds Cause More Harm Than Good I-VI. More...
Cancer Caused By GMO's. More...
Genetically Engineered Plants Or Animals In Landscape - Who Is Responsible For It, Like Authorities Who Release The Rules, Can Be Taken To Court For It
Monsanto And The GM-Crop Disaster
Biosafety? Unscientific Assumptions The Basis Of Approvals? - Blatant Propaganda Exercise Stands Validated As Exemplary Science - Toxic Genetically Engineered Foods Could Have Been Approved.
Genetically Modified Foods And Seeds Are Unhealthy And Unsafe - Evidence Links GM Foods To Allergies
Green Biotechnology And Red Biotechnology In The Retreat
On The Risks Of Agro-Biotechnology I-V  - Negative Side Effects Of Genetically Modified Crops On Honeybees
"Genetic Engineering - Wrong In The Premises?"

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